Chapter 10 • Narration 159
spending time with my mom and stepdad and my brother and sisters.
I am glad that Leslie enjoyed herself because this was the fi rst time
she was around my whole family. You should have seen me on board
ship after the day in Cozumel. I went from bar to bar with my sombrero
speaking my best Spanglish.
5 In August, Leslie and I also went to Albuquerque, NM, where we
attended the Blinded Veterans Association’s national convention. We
were there as part of a program called Operation Peer Support. This
program is designed so that newly blinded veterans can meet other
veterans who have been at this for a lot longer than we have.
6 During this trip, I went skydiving. It was one of the most fun things I
have ever done. I was very calm until they opened the door of the plane.
At that moment, I felt something I hadn’t felt in a very long time — a
strange mixture of adrenaline, excitement, and fear. I jumped at 10,500
feet and had a 31-second freefall. On landing, I got my foot caught in
the dirt and strained my right knee. As soon as I was off the ground, I
was doing a TV interview for a local news channel. It’s a good thing they
edited it because I had no idea I was being interviewed. Since I could
not see the camera and microphone, I just thought a guy was asking me
some questions. A family friend called my mom at 12:30 a.m. to see if
“Mikey was in Albuquerque” because he had just seen me on the news!
It’s not the fi rst time that my mom has gotten a call like that.
7 Well, now the school year has started, and I’m currently taking ten
credit hours at Northern Virginia Community College and enjoying it.
I haven’t been in school for ten years, and that would be hard enough,
but now I’m doing it blind. Brittani, my guide dog, is my eyes on cam-
pus. It is hard teaching her to read the textbooks, but give it awhile and
we’ll see.
8 Let me tell you about the frustrations I had at the beginning. In
one class, I received textbooks on CDs, only to fi nd that the school had
never ordered me the proper reader for the CDs. I am still waiting on
three textbooks: I thought six weeks’ notice would have been plenty of
time for them to get me everything I needed.
Michael give details
to help us imagine
“doing it blind”?
frustrations did you
experience at the
start of college?
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