7.1. Elementary Epidemic Models 285
To understand this, consider a small group of 100 people in close
contact, all susceptible to the disease.
a. At time 0, one individual falls ill, perhaps by exposure through con-
tacts not included in the model. Suppose the transmission coefficient
is α = 1. What happens to the town’s population after 1 day? After
10 days? What is the medical significance of α = 1?
b. Now suppose that α = 1 and the initial number of infectives is 5.
What is the value of S
? Why doesn’t this make sense? Explain.
c. With α = .1, what is the largest value of I
so that the behavior of
the SIR model makes sense biologically, at least for the first time
d. Give a formula in terms of I
for the largest value of α so that the
behavior of the SI R model makes sense biologically, at least for the
first time step.
7.1.6. One approach to preventing disease spread is to simply quarantine
infectives. Suppose a disease is modeled well by the SIR equations
of the text, but a society decides to attempt a quarantine program,
preventing a fraction q of the infectives from having contacts with
susceptibles. Only 1 − q of the infectives will be able to spread the
a. How should the mass action term, in the equation for both S
, be changed to model this? What value of q gives the usual SIR
b. Quarantining can be viewed as a way of modifying the transmission
coefficient. If an SIR model without quarantining had transmis-
sion coefficient α, and a fraction q of the infectives are successfully
quarantined, then the model with quarantining is identical to a stan-
dard SIR model with some transmission coefficient α
, the effective
transmission coefficient. Give a formula for α
in terms of α and q.
c. Use the MATLAB program sir to investigate the behavior of your
quarantine model for fixed values of N , α, and γ , and a variety of
values of q. For example, let N = 100, α = .001, and γ = .05 and
vary q from 0 to 1. Explain the qualitative behavior you see. Can
you find a value of q that prevents an epidemic from occurring,
regardless of the value of I
? Estimate the smallest such q.
7.1.7. Another approach to preventing disease spread is vaccination of sus-
ceptibles. Suppose a disease is modeled well by the SI R equations
of the text, but a society implements a vaccination program. One
simple model of this situation counts each successfully vaccinated