6.4. Gene Frequency in Populations 269
Table 6.14. Probabilities That Exactly k of 4 Alleles Are A
k 0 123 4
P(k) .0625 .25 .375 .25 .0625
proportion of the gametes had an allele, then the same proportion of the ga-
metes that successfully united would have that allele. Even if half the gametes
have an allele A, if we randomly pick gametes to unite, we might pick more
or less than half As to form the next generation. In a small population, any
deviation from half might be proportionally large, and thus proportionally
greater than you are likely to have in a large population. In other words, small
populations are more greatly affected by chance than are large ones.
For a concrete illustration of this, imagine a very small population of 2
individuals of genotypes Aa and Aa. Then, the alleles A and a appear in the
gamete pool in proportions .5 and .5, and so random mating implies that each
offspring will have genotype AA (or aa) with probability .25, and genotype
Aa with probability .5.
However, if the new generation also has size 2, then to determine the alleles
in this generation, we simply pick four specific gametes out of the pool. Using
the binomial distribution, the probability of having exactly two of each allele
in the next generation is
≈ .375.
This means that the probability that the allele frequencies remain stable is only
37.5%, and the more likely scenario is that allele frequencies will change.
Furthermore, any change in the allele frequency must be at least .25, because
there are only four alleles total in this small population. Thus, a reasonably
large change is quite likely.
It might seem that this result contradicts the ideas underlying the Hardy-
Weinberg equilibrium for allele frequencies. However, calculating the prob-
abilities that exactly k of 4 alleles are A for k = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 as in Table
6.14, we see the most likely outcome is that the allele frequencies represented
in the two offspring will be p = q = .5, the same frequencies of the parental
generation and just as Hardy-Weinberg predicts. However, this most likely
outcome is not very likely.
If a population is large – say 3,000 heterozygotes producing 3,000 off-
spring – then producing a table like Table 6.14 also shows that some change
in allele numbers is likely. However, the likely size of this change is much