6.3. Linkage 259
), where the parentheses indicate that the order of the
genes is unknown. In a testcross with (abc)/(abc), two phenotypic
classes occur in much smaller numbers: wildtype and plants with
amethyst flowers, brown stalks, and curved leaves. What is the correct
gene order?
6.3.20. In Drosophila, the genes with recessive alleles cl for clot eyes, dp for
dumpy wings, and rd for reduced bristles are known to be linked.
a. Give two different examples of appropriate testcrosses to determine
the order of these genes.
b. Suppose the phenotype wildtype eyes, dumpy wings, and reduced
bristles corresponds to a recombinant from a double crossover,
where the heterozygous parent had genes in the (cl
(cl dp rd) configuration. What is the correct gene order?
6.3.21. Suppose in a certain species three genes are linked, with alleles e
for enlarged eyes, h for hairy legs, and p for prickly antennae. The
wildtypes for these genes are normal eyes, hairless legs, and smooth
antennae. Suppose eh p is the correct gene order with e and h are
located 12 cM apart and h and p are located 15 cM apart. In an exper-
iment, e
individuals are testcrossed with triply homozy-
gous recessive individuals. What are the phenotypes of the offspring
and in what frequencies should these phenotypes occur?
6.3.22. For X -linked genes, you can also analyze three-point testcrosses.
In Drosophila, the alleles for cut wings ct, sable body s, and ver-
milion eyes v all determine recessive traits that are X-linked. The
wildtype traits are long wings, gray body, and red eyes. Table 6.13
gives the results of a testcross of (ct
)/(ct s v) females with
(ct s v) males. Parentheses here denote unknown gene order.
Table 6.13. Progeny of
)/(ct s v) × (ct s v)
Phenotype No.
Long wings, gray body, red eyes 723
Long wings, gray body, vermilion eyes 8
Long wings, sable body, red eyes 71
Long wings, sable body, vermilion eyes 125
Cut wings, gray body, red eyes 105
Cut wings, gray body, vermilion eyes 106
Cut wings, sable body, red eyes 5
Cut wings, sable body, vermilion eyes 776