250 Genetics
The expected value of this random variable (or more simply, the expected
number of crossovers) is what Sturtevant’s average was estimating. Because
expected values are additive by Eq. (6.2), they will behave just like distances
on a map. We formalize these ideas with a definition.
Definition. The genetic distance or linkage distance between two genes on
a chromosome is the expected number of crossovers that occur between the
genes in gamete formation.
Because the expected value is an average number of crossovers, theoreti-
cally a genetic distance could take on any value from 0 upward. For physically
close genes, genetic distances will tend to be small, since crossovers are less
likely to occur, whereas for physically distant genes, distances will tend to be
larger. The type of map we will construct from crossover data is called a link-
age or genetic map. This map will show the linear arrangement of the genes on
a chromosome, with genetic rather than physical distances separating genes.
Let’s see how a two-point testcross can place two genes on a linkage
map. Suppose we suspect that, in Drosophila, the genes for curved wings
c and purple eyes pr are linked. For genotypes of linked genes, we use a
special notation to keep track of which alleles are on which chromosome
in a given pair. For instance, we write cpr/cprfor a homozygous recessive
Drosophila, where the slash separates alleles inherited from different parents.
There are now several different ways a fly could be heterozygous at both genes;
and c
are different configurations.
As a first step in genetic mapping, we cross true-breeding, curved-wing,
purple-eyed Drosophila with true-breeding wildtype flies: cpr/cpr×
. Notice that all the progeny in F
are genotypically
/cpr and phenotypically wildtype, since curved wings and purple
eyes are recessive traits.
Next, we cross F
flies with curved-winged, purple-eyed flies to produce
. This testcross is c
/cpr× cpr/cpr, and we suppose that the data
in Table 6.11 came from such an experiment. As we noticed before, there
is a discrepancy between the data and the numbers predicted by Mendelian
genetics. Moreover, because there are two large phenotypic classes that re-
semble the parents – red-eyed with straight wings and purple-eyed with curved
wings, and two smaller nonparental phenotypic classes – there is evidence
for linkage.
What are the possible genotypes of the F
progeny in this second cross?
Which of these are parental types and which are recombinants?