218 Genetics
the genes in the mother will be passed on as well. It’s as if two parental coin
flips determine the outcome in the progeny.
Much more is now known about how genes segregate in the formation
of gametes or reproductive cells. Meiosis is a complicated process in which
gametes (egg and sperm in animals, spores in plants) carrying only one copy of
each gene are formed. Modern understanding is that genes are found arranged
linearly on chromosomes, large molecules residing in the nucleus of cells.
The chromosomes come in pairs, accounting for the two copies of each gene.
Indeed, in gamete formation, it is chromosomes that segregate, not genes as
Mendel proposed. At fertilization, two gametes, each carrying one copy of
each chromosome, join to produce new offspring.
In reality, inheritance of chromosomes is much more complicated than can
be captured by our Mendelian model. The process of crossing over, an impor-
tant source of genetic variability, makes segregation quite involved. Moreover,
not all alleles fit the dominant/recessive framework that the Mendelian model
supposes, and many traits are not determined by a single gene, but rather
by collections of genes. Finally, whereas most familiar organisms do carry
two copies of each gene in most cells, and are thus called diploid, there are
exceptions to this.
However, we are getting ahead of ourselves by bringing up all these com-
plications. The Mendelian model is remarkably good for predicting and un-
derstanding the inheritance of many traits and marks a first step toward un-
derstanding the biology of inheritance. We can bring modifications into the
model later, after we fully understand Mendel’s simpler view. So, for now,
we will continue to assume segregation of parental genes and restrict our
attention to the situation in which a single gene controls a single trait.
When Mendel crossed the DDtrue-breeding tall genotype with the dd true-
breeding dwarf genotype, each descendent inherited an identical set of genes
from the parents: D from the first parent and d from the second. Genotypically,
these progeny are all Dd, and, because they contain two different forms of
the gene, are said to be heterozygous.
Remember that each of the F
were tall pea plants. Thus, although genet-
ically the progeny were heterozygous, the D allele was dominant over the d
allele, in the sense that all the plants of F
resembled their tall parent. These
have the same phenotype as their tall parents, that is, they have the same
observable characteristics.
What are the phenotypes of the genotypes DD, Dd, and dd?