7.3. Variations on a Theme 301
is achievable depends on many social and economic factors, but the model
identifies the target.
Studying realistic immunization issues requires using more complicated
models. Disease dynamics often are different among different age and social
groups, and so often each of the s, i, and r groups must be broken into
subgroups. (Compulsory school attendance, for instance, can have a large
effect on disease transmission.) A model might break the population into
several groups by age, sex, or other factors, and be used to determine which
groups should be targeted in an immunization campaign.
Social and medical considerations are crucial. A vaccination campaign
successful in one country may be a failure in another due either to different
disease dynamics or to differing social acceptance of the program. It may,
in practice, be impossible to vaccinate a high enough percentage of the pop-
ulation in an overcrowded city or country to avert epidemics or gain herd
immunity from highly infectious diseases like measles. The best realistic pol-
icy may be to allow citizens to catch measles at a young age, when there are
few complications, and gain disease-conferred immunity.
Different strategies might also be equally successful. For instance, the
United States and Great Britain have adopted different vaccination programs
for rubella. Rubella is not a life-threatening or dangerous disease in general,
but if a pregnant woman becomes infected her infant may suffer from a serious
condition know as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). Thus, ensuring the
immunity of women of childbearing age is the primary goal of any program.
In the United States, all children are routinely vaccinated against rubella as
part of their MMR shot at around 15 months. In Great Britain, children are
allowed to contract rubella while young. Only those girls who have failed to
gain disease-conferred immunity are vaccinated at around age 12.
7.3.1. Use a computer program such as sir or twopop to study the SI
model. Use a variety of values of α and N . For each choice, examine
the behavior of the SI model for a variety of values of S
and I
Describe your observations.
7.3.2. Investigate the SI model by doing the following:
a. Solve for all equilibria (S
, I
). Are these biologically reasonable?
b. In a phase plane, draw nullclines and arrows suggesting orbit di-
rections. What does this tell you about the dynamics of a disease
modeled by an SI model?