by wave 2 (DeMaris, 2000). As virtually all of these unions were begun prior to the
date of the wave 1 survey, the data were characterized by considerable left truncation.
Below I discuss the difficulties associated with left truncation, along with simple reme-
dies for the problem when the inception time is known, as with case f. When this time
is unknown, the problem is considerably less tractable.
The remaining cases pose more serious problems for survival models. Case d expe-
riences the event of interest but inception of risk and time of event occurrence both take
place after the study is completed. This type of case is referred to as being fully right-
censored (Yamaguchi, 1991) and is not amenable to analysis using survival techniques.
Similarly, cases g and h experience the event of interest before the start of the study.
As an example, suppose that we were to follow a group of 12-year-olds to observe the
length of time before they smoke their first cigarette. However, some children in the
sample have already begun smoking but cannot remember the date on which that
occurred. Assuming that inception of risk begins at birth, all we know of such children
is that survival time is less than 12 years. These types of cases are accordingly known
as left-censored survival times (Collett, 1994; Hosmer and Lemeshow 1999) and are
also not very amenable to survival modeling.
A final concept of central importance that can be gleaned from Figure 11.1 is the
risk set. This is the set of people who are at risk for event occurrence at any given
time t. For example, the risk set at time t
in the figure consists of cases a, b, c, e, f,
and i. Immediately after case f has been censored, the risk set consists of cases a, b,
c, e, and i. Immediately before case c experiences the event, however, the risk set
only consists of cases a and c, since cases b, e, f, and i have either experienced the
event (cases e and i) or have been censored (cases b and f) at an earlier time.
Critical Functions of Time: Density, Survival, Hazard
In survival models, three functions of time are particularly important: the density
function, the survival function, and the hazard function. The three are also closely
interrelated, so that given any two, the third is readily calculated. First, we note that
survival time, denoted by T, is a random variable ranging from zero to infinity, which
like any other variable, has population distribution and density functions. Certain den-
sities not featured elsewhere in this book are especially important in survival models.
Examples are the exponential, Weibull, Gompertz, and log-logistic densities. (The
exponential density was introduced in the Chapter 1 appendix.) As the exponential
function is very easy to work with, I use it to illustrate the three functions discussed
in this section. If survival time has an exponential distribution, its density function is
f(t) ⫽ λ exp(⫺λt),
where λ is a positive constant. For example, if survival time in days after contract-
ing some disease has an exponential distribution with λ ⫽ .35, the density function
at a time of 15 days is
f(15) ⫽ .35 exp[⫺(.35)(15)] ⫽ .0018.