The choice of whether to employ the competing risks or two-step approach is
strictly a theoretical decision. Allison (1995) suggests that the two-step approach is
especially appropriate if the different destination states are alternative means for
achieving the same goal, as in married versus unmarried cohabitation. By this crite-
rion, the competing-risks model is clearly more appropriate for the analysis of cohab-
iting transitions, as separation and marriage fulfill very different goals for cohabitors.
Hachen (1988) provides detailed guidelines concerning which model to use, but these
are more conceptually complex. Let P(m) represent the conditional probability that
the mth state is entered, given transition to some state. Hachen suggests that the two-
step model is to be preferred whenever the effect of covariates on a transition, in gen-
eral, is invariant to changes in the P(m) for m ⫽ 1,2,...,Q. One example given by
Hachen considers the effect of taking a high school sex-education class on the first
type of contraception used during sexual intercourse. Suppose for some reason the
availability of, say, IUDs to adolescents were suddenly curtailed. If the effect of high
school education on the hazard of first contraceptive use in general is not affected by
the lowered probability of IUD use, the two-step model should be employed.
Otherwise, the competing risks model would be preferable.
Dependence of Events. The assumption of competing risks models that alternative
destination states are independent of each other may often be untenable. Instead,
unmeasured factors may link each of the states. Using, again, the formation of the
first romantic union as an example, it is likely that unmeasured characteristics of
individuals, such as a need for intimate companionship, raise or lower the risk of
union formation, in general. Therefore, the hazard of cohabitation and the hazard of
marriage would tend to be correlated across cases. Hill et al. (1993, p. 247) maintain
that hazard models that ignore this type of dependence among hazards “may provide
inaccurate estimates of base hazard rates or parameters.” The authors have formu-
lated a shared unmeasured risk factors (SURF) model to adjust for correlated haz-
ards, which can be estimated using conventional software. The technique currently
has several limitations, however. It has only been formulated for the case of two
competing risks. Moreover, only a positive correlation between risks is allowed for;
and the approach assumes that the two-step model is appropriate. If these conditions
are satisfactory, the model can be estimated via a two-stage procedure that is detailed
in the authors’ article (Hill et al., 1993).
Models for repeated events are termed multiepisode (Blossfeld et al., 1989) or recur-
rent event models (Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1999). Rather than contributing just one
spell to the data file, each case now contributes e ⫽ 1,2,...,E potential spells to the
file, where e represents a given event number, and E the total number of events expe-
rienced by the ith case. Each spell is a survival time in the nonevent state until the
event recurs. There are several potential ways of modeling repeated events (see, e.g.,
Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1999). The model discussed here is that advocated by