no intercept in the model. The LRχ
statistic for the model as a whole is 166.826,
which with six degrees of freedom is highly significant (p ⬍ .0001). The coefficients
are quite close in magnitude to those of the exponential model, but opposite in sign,
since we are modeling the log hazard rather than log survival time. As with the expo-
nential model, exponentiating a coefficient provides an estimate of the hazard ratio
for a unit difference on that predictor, net of other model covariates. Thus, being in
a first union is associated with a hazard ratio of exp(⫺.779) ⫽ .459, meaning that
first unions have about a 54% lower hazard of union disruption at any given time
compared to others. In a similar vein, exponentiating the coefficient for alcohol or
drug problem suggests that relationships characterized by substance abuse have a
43% higher risk of union disruption at any given time. The standard error for alco-
hol or drug problem is .164. So a 95% confidence interval for the coefficient is
.36 ⫾ 1.96(.164) ⫽ (.039, .681). Or a 95% confidence interval for the ratio of hazards
for those with, versus without, substance abuse problems is [exp(.039), exp(.681)] ⫽
(1.040, 1.976). Note that the coefficients for model 2 cannot be employed to arrive at
an estimator of a given couple’s hazard of disruption. The reason is that an estimator
of the baseline hazard function is missing in Cox models. However, we can estimate
the impact on the hazard associated with given covariates. As indicated below, we can
also use the estimates to construct estimated survival functions.
Adjusting for Left Truncation
As noted above, the sample of unions is characterized by various degrees of left trun-
cation. Left truncation, also referred to as delayed entry into the risk set (Hosmer and
Lemeshow, 1999) or interrupted spells (Hamerle, 1991), represents a form of sam-
ple selectivity. In that left-truncated cases have survived long enough to come under
observation, they tend to overrepresent low-risk cases among any given cohort. This
phenomenon can lead to a loss of estimator efficiency or even to biased estimates if
uncorrected (Hamerle, 1991). Programs for AFT models typically do not allow
adjustments for left truncation. But the Cox model is easily accommodated to left-
truncated data, provided that inception of risk is known for each case, as is true of
the current data. Essentially, the partial likelihood function is made conditional on
having survived until the start time of the study [see Guo (1993) and Hamerle (1991)
for technical details]. In SAS’s Cox regression program, PHREG, left-truncated
cases can be specified via the ENTRYTIME option on the model statement, as well
as in other ways (see Allison, 1995). Model 3 in Table 11.2 shows the estimates for
union disruption after adjusting for left truncation. There is little change in the
coefficients, probably because of the prior restriction that at the beginning of obser-
vation (wave 1), couples had been together for no longer than three years. Left trun-
cation is therefore not as extensive a problem here as it was in the full study [see
DeMaris (2000) for details].
Another Nonparametric Estimator of S( t). The Cox model can also be used to
obtain a nonparametric estimator of the survival function in the presence of left trun-
cation. This provides an alternative estimator to the standard life-table approach