Scalar property, for matrices, 481
Scaled generalized R
, see R
analog for logistic
for exponential model, 184–186
for mean of y against deciles of x, 172
for revealing nonconstant error variance,
in MULR, 112–117
in SLR, 39–42, 46–47, 63–67
Scobit model, 260–261
Score test, for proportional odds assumption, 305
Secant line, 465
Second partial derivative, 49, 163, 470–472
Second partials test, 49
Second-order interaction model, 104–105
Second-order polynomial equation, 168–169
Segment I curve, 165–168, 172, 176
Segment II curve, 165, 167–168
Segment III curve, 165, 167–168
Segment IV curve, 166–168
Selection bias, see Sample selection bias
Selection equation, 333, 335, 337, 339–343
Selection propensity, 320, 333, 335
Self-selection, 319, 334
Semiparametric model, see Cox regression model
Semipartial correlation coefficient, 89
Sensitivity, 271–273
Shape of curves, similarity of, 178–179
Shared unmeasured risk factors (SURF) model, 424
Simple linear regression (SLR) model, 43–44,
186–187. See also Linear regression model;
Multiple linear regression (MULR) model
Simple random sample, 27
Simpson’s paradox, 100
Simulation, to create truncated and censored data,
Simultaneous equations, 48
Singular matrix, see Matrix, singular
Skew, 40–43
Slope, 42–45, 48–52, 58–61
common, 137
constant, 163, 467
equality of, see Coefficient differences, test for
equivalent tests for, 60
homogeneity, test for, 208–210
in SLR, as weighted sum of the y
, 59–60
nonconstant, 467
of a linear equation, defined, 455
of simple linear regression function, 466–467
standardized, see Standardized slope
Slutsky theorem, 11, 32, 56, 99
Specificity, 271–273
Spectral decomposition, 224–225, 227, 240, 486
Spell, see Episode
SPSS (computer program), 13, 68, 75
Spuriousness, 98–104, 109
Square matrix, see Matrix, square
Squared partial correlation coefficient, 115–118
Standard deviation, 26
Standard error, asymptotically correct, in
Heckman two-step estimator, 343
Standard error of estimate, 220
Standard error of prediction, 221
Standard error of the sample mean, 33
Standard logistic density, 252
Standard logistic distribution, 253–254
Standard normal distribution, 25, 33, 232, 253–254
coefficient, 90–91, 106, 109, 118, 229, 232, 267
covariance, 26
estimates, solution for, 200
partial regression coefficient, 90–91
principal components coefficients, 241
residual(s), 66–67, 219
sample regression equation, 57
slope, 57–58, 100, 198
variable scores, 198–199, 232
Standard-score form, 25
Start time, 384
STATA (computer program), 13, 202, 263, 343,
381, 405, 427–428
Statistical control, 80–84
Statistical interaction, see Interaction
Statistical model, 2
Statistical power, 108
Stochastic component of model, 43
Stochastic regressors, 70
Stratified Cox model, 407–410, 427–428
Stratum-specific baseline hazard function, 409
Structural equation model, see Covariance
structure model
Structural part of model, 43, 85
Structural zero, 370, 373–375
Students dataset, 15–16, 39, 88–94, 112–118,
219–220, 222–223, 324, 349, 356–357, 360
Substantive equation, 333, 337–343
Sum of squared errors (SSE), 47–48, 54, 87, 188,
190, 495
Sum of squared residuals, see Sum of squared
errors (SSE)
Sum of squares of coefficient estimates, bias in, 227
Sum of variances, 226, 233
Summation notation, 457–460
Suppression, 100
Survival analysis, defined, 382
Survival function, 402–404, 412
Survival time, 425, 433–434