(b) Adjusted mean percent of housework done by males when: both work full
time: 25.881; male works part time, female full time: 27.985; male unem-
ployed, female full time: 25.704; male works full time, female part time:
19.838; male works full time, female unemployed: 21.143; both unemployed:
20.966; both work part time: 21.942; male works part time, female unem-
ployed: 23.247; male unemployed, female part time: 19.661.
4.11. (a) F
3.176, p .05. Yes, it is. (b) Controlling for couple conflict,
women with natural children are, on average, 5.0846 units lower on depres-
sive symptomatology, compared to those without children. (c) Since both
types of kids are associated with greater conflict, but less depression with
conflict controlled, and conflict is strongly positively related to depression,
omitting conflict from the model reverses the impact of kids on depression.
4.13. Seniors: 75.892; sophomores: 79.522; juniors: 76.366; postgrad/grads: 79.398.
The means are the same, within rounding error, as in Exercise 4.12(b).
4.15. (a) Interpretation of rank effects: Full professor: net of the covariates, full pro-
fessors’ average salary is $17,500 higher than for assistant professors. Associate
professor: net of the covariates, associate professors’ average salary is $6213.53
higher than for assistant professors. Instructor/lecturer: net of the covariates,
instructor/lecturers make, on average, $7870.20 less than assistant professors.
(b) Adjusted means: full professors 56243; associate professors 44956.526;
assistant professors 38743; instructor/lecturers 30872.797.
4.17. (a) F
1.2459, p .064. There is not enough evidence to reject homo-
geneity of error variance. (b) Chow test: F
.895, p .57. The models do
not appear to differ for males versus females. (c) Effect of COITFREQ:
.0183 1.2076 MALEHIT .2841 FEMAHIT. Interpretation: coital fre-
quency has virtually no effect on the female’s depressive symptomatology if
neither partner has been violent; it increases depressive symptomatology if the
male has been violent; and it lowers depressive symptomatology if the female
has been violent.
4.19. Intercept constrained: F
2.381. Intercept unconstrained: F
4.21. Constrained intercept: F
1.422. Unconstrained intercept:
4.23. The interaction is disordinal in Z, but ordinal in X.
4.25. Self-correcting.
5.1. (a) ps, husbands: 12.343 2(1.944) power. ps; wives: 11.567 2(2.537)
power. (b) Husbands: ps at power 1 is 8.455. ps at power 4 is 3.209;
wives: ps at power 1 is 6.493. ps at power 4 is 8.729. (c) Husband’s
minimum occurs at power 3.175; wife’s minimum occurs at power 2.28.