5) Portuguese has various subject pronouns that correspond to English "you"; each one
reflects a particular degree of familiarity. When to use a certain form depends on such
factors as the speaker's and/or listener's regional dialect, age, social class, and level of
education. To complicate matters further, the uses of these pronouns are constantly
evolving; the following uses are therefore subject to exception and change.
a) tu:
i) EP and several dialects of BP: tu is the most informal "you" and is used
when the speaker addresses the listener by first name; for example, between
spouses / siblings / friends, or by an older person to a child;
ii) EP: tu is often used between peers / younger strangers.
b) vós:
BP and EP:
i) vós was the plural of tu in older Portuguese but is no longer used in
Portuguese except in an occasional formal speech or sermon;
ii) vós has also been the pronoun traditionally used when addressing God.
c) você(s):
2, 3
i) most dialects of BP: você(s) is the only informal "you" and is used
when the speaker addresses the listener(s) by first name; for example, between
spouses / siblings / friends, or by an older person to a child;
ii) most dialects of BP: você(s) is also used between peers / younger strangers;
iii) EP: você is slightly more formal than tu and is occasionally used between
peers; since the uses of você are continually changing in Portugal, this
pronoun should be avoided until its current nuances have been learned;
iv) BP and EP: vocês is used as the plural of tu, as well as of você.
d) o(s) senhor(es) / a(s) senhora(s):
BP and EP:
i) o(s) senhor(es) / a(s) senhora(s) is more formal than você(s) and is used
when the speaker addresses the listener(s) by title + last name (surname);
for example, by a lower-ranking person to a higher-ranking person (as it is
occasionally used in Spanish) or by a younger person to an older person;
ii) o(s) senhor(es) / a(s) senhora(s) is also used between older strangers.
In nonstandard colloquial BP, tu is often used with 3rd-pers. sing. verbs instead of 2nd-pers. sing.
ones ("tu canta" = tu cantas); this usage is incorrect in standard Portuguese.
Port. você / Sp. usted are cognates that derive from their respective sister roots
Vossa Mercê / Vuestra Merced ("Your Grace"). English speakers can understand why
você(s) / usted(es) take 3rd-pers. (not 2nd-pers.) verbs if they consider that "Your Grace" and
"Your Majesty" also do ("Is Your Majesty tired?" vs. "Elizabeth, are you tired?").
você(s) is often abbreviated cê(s) in colloquial BP, but this abbreviation should be avoided in
formal BP; the contractions docê(s) / procê(s) (< de / para + você[s]) should also be avoided.