Reporting financial performance
74 kaplanpublishing
• Thisisapopulartopicwhichcanbe
examined in a discussion question.
• Often,theexaminerwillgiveascenario
that you haven’t seen before so you
need to apply the principle of substance
over form.
• Makesureyoulearnhowtoidentify
the substance so you can deal with the
recognition of the transaction in the
Reporting the substance of
Businesses may enter into transactions in
order to keep assets and liabilities off the
statement of financial position – called off
balance sheet financing. This will improve
ratios such as return on capital employed
and gearing.
Common features of transactions where
the substance is not readily apparent:
• separationofthelegaltitleofanitem
from the benefits and risks associated
with it
• linkingatransactionwithoneormore
others so that the commercial effect
cannot be understood without reference
to the series as a whole
• inclusioninatransactionofoneormore
options whose terms make it highly likely
that the option will be exercised.
The key step in determining the substance
of any transaction is to identify whether it
has given rise to new assets or liabilities
of the entity, and whether it has increased
or decreased the entity’s existing assets or
Exam focus
The concept of substance over form requires
that transactions should be accounted for
and presented in accordance with their
substance and not merely their legal form.