Reporting thresholds
An entity must separately report information
about an operating segment that meets any
of the following quantitative thresholds:
• itsreportedrevenue,includingboth
sales to external customers and inter
segment sales, is 10 per cent or more
of the combined revenue of all operating
• itsreportedprofitorlossis10percentor
more of the greater, in absolute amount,
• thecombinedreportedprofitofall
operating segments that did not report a
loss and
• thecombinedreportedlossofall
operating segments that reported a loss.
• Itsassetsare10percentormoreofthe
combined assets of all operating
At least 75% of the entity’s external revenue
should be included in reportable segments.
So if the quantitative test results segmental
disclosure of less than this 75%, other
segments should be identified as reportable
segments until this 75% is reached.
IFRS 8 requires detailed disclosures,
• factorsusedtoidentifytheentity’s
reportable segments, including
the basis of organisation (for example,
whether segments are based on
products and services, geographical
areas or a combination of these).
• thetypesofproductsandservices
from which each reportable segment
derives its revenues.