and the Framework should help to
achieve this.
• Definitionofelementsoffinancial
Asset: a resource controlled by an entity
as a result of past events and from which
future economic benefits are expected to
flow to the entity.
Liability: a present obligation of the
entity arising from past events, the
settlement of which is expected to result
in an outflow from the entity of resources
embodying economic benefits.
Equity is the residual interest in an
entity’s assets after deducting all its
Income is the increase in economic
benefits during an accounting period.
Expenses are decreases in economic
benefits during an accounting period.
• Recognition of items in the financial
Recognition of an item in the financial
statements occurs if:
• theitemmeetsthedefinitionofan
element of financial statements,
• itisprobablethatanyfuture
economic benefit associated with the
item will flow to or from the entity
• itcanbemeasuredatamonetary
amount with sufficient reliability.
Current issue - conceptual framework
This is an eight-phase long-term project with
US FASB to develop a common conceptual
framework. As at May 2010, the first four
phases were active.