Corporate reporting
vi kaplanpublishing
Corporate reporting paper P2 (INT)
• Markswillbeawardedforprofessional
style and format of reports.
Keys to Success in Paper P2
Exercising judgement / technique
• Onthecompulsoryquestion,make
sure you have a thorough knowledge
of all aspects of group accounting. Use
your groups technique to work through
the question methodically, focusing on
the parts you can do. Don’t panic if there
are adjustments that you do not know
what to do with, better to leave them and
get on with the rest of the question,
rather than get bogged down. Don’t
spend too long on the consolidation as
you still have to complete the rest of the
question. In the Pilot Paper, there were
35 marks available for the group cash
flow and another 15 marks for written
elements of the paper. Make sure you
attempt all parts of this question.
• Makesureyouwriteareportwherea
report is asked for – the Examiner has
said this will attract presentation marks..
• Keepuptodatewithcurrentissues.
Aside from the possibility of having one
question that covers a single new
standard or exposure draft, you may also
come across an issue in a scenario type
question that requires you to comment
on a current proposal.
• Tryandstepbackfromquestion
scenarios and think of all of the possible
impacts. It is unlikely the Examiner
will give you a scenario where only one
accounting standard should be applied. It
is more likely to be two or three so you
must recognise this and produce a valid
argument for your proposed accounting
treatment. Try and think of the following
questions as pointers to start thinking
about your answer: