difficult for the auditor to be completely
independent as they potentially could
lose a great deal of fee income.
• AccountancybodiessuchastheACCA
issue codes of conduct and ethical
guidelines that they require their
members to comply with.
Preparation of accounting information
• Preparersoffinancialinformationmust
prepare that information honestly and
fairly. Financial information may be relied
upon by users of the financial
statements, investors and potential
investors, banks, and suppliers, so it is
important that it is not misleading.
• Oneoftheissuesinpreparingfinancial
information is the pressure that may
be put on individuals by officers of the
organisation who are acting unethically.
If an individual’s manager is asking him
her to prepare financial information in a
misleading way, then it can be very
difficult to speak up and refuse to do
what is being asked for.
• Ethicalcodesofconductofferguidance
on how to deal with ethical issues.
Ethical codes of conduct
Professional accountants are bound by their
Institute or Association’s codes of ethics and
are expected to act in accordance with such
codes of conduct.
ACCA Code of Ethics
The ACCA Code of Ethics and Conduct
applies to all students, associates and
members. The Code is in the form of a
framework and adopts a principles-based
approach; whilst some specific rules are
included, compliance is largely concerned
with the observation of the fundamental