IAS 38 Intangible Assets
An intangible asset is an identifiable non-
monetary asset without physical substance.
Accounting treatment
• Anintangibleassetisinitiallyrecognised
at cost if all of the following criteria are
(1) It is identifiable – it could be
disposed of without disposing of the
business at the same time.
(2) It is controlled by the entity – the
entity has the power to obtain
economic benefits from it, for
example patents and copyrights
give legal rights to future economic
(3) It will generate probable future
economic benefits for the entity
– this could be by a reduction in
costs or increasing revenues.
(4) The cost can be measured reliably
– this is straightforward if the asset
was purchased outright. If the asset
was acquired in a business
combination then the initial cost will
be the fair value.
• Ifanintangibledoesnotmeetthe
recognition criteria, then it should be
charged to the income statement as it is
incurred. Items that do not meet the
criteria are internally generated goodwill,
brands, mastheads, publishing titles,
customer lists, research, advertising,
start-up costs and training.
• Intangibleassetsshouldbeamortised,
normally using the straight line method,
over the term of their useful lives.
• Ifitcanbedemonstratedthattheuseful
life is indefinite; no amortisation should