Current Issues
There is an on-going response to the
impact of the global financial crisis. Key
developments include:
Amendments to IFRS 7
This is part of the response by financial
reporting regulators to the global financial
crisis. In March 2009, amendments to IFRS
7 introduced enhanced disclosures regarding
fair value measurement and liquidity risk
arising from financial instruments.
IFRS 9 Financial instruments
This was issued in November 2009 and is
effective from 1 January 2013. Initially, it
deals only with financial assets, although it
will be amended to include financial labilities,
derecognition of financial instruments,
impairment and hedge accounting. As IFRS
9 is updated, the relevant provisions of
existing standards will be withdrawn.
The new standard places increased
emphasis upon fair value measurement and
abolished the available-for-sale category of
financial asset. These factors may result in
increased volatility of reported earnings.
The objective of this ED is to simplify and
standardise derecognition requirements.
There is equivalent work being undertaken
by US FASB to drive towards convergence
on this issue.