Environmental costs include:
• environmentalmeasureswhicharethe
costs of preventing, reducing or repairing
damage to the environment and the
costs of conserving resources
• Environmentallosseswhicharecosts
which bring no benefit to the business,
for example:
– fines, penalties and compensation
– impairment or disposal losses
relating to assets which have to
be scrapped or abandoned because
they damage the environment.
Social reporting
life of the workforce and their families as
well as of the local community and society
at large.
Contents of social reports
• TheGRIguidelinesincludesocial
reporting aspects.
• TheInstituteofSocialandEthical
Accountability suggest the following
should be included.
– Information about relationships
with stakeholders, e.g. employee
numbers, wages and salaries,
provision of facilities for customers
and information about involvement
with local charities.
– Information about the accountability
of the entity, e.g. sickness leave,
accident rates, noise levels, numbers
of disabled employees, compliance
with current legal, ethical and
industry standards.
Corporate Social Responsibility is the
continuing commitment by business to
behave ethically and contribute to economic
development while improving the quality of