The acquirer may be able to utilise the •
benefit of its own unused tax losses
against the future taxable profit of the
acquiree. In such cases, the acquirer
recognises a deferred tax asset,
but does not take it into account in
determining the goodwill arising on the
Onanon-goingbasis,theremaybe –
intra-group profits (e.g. on inventory)
that are unrealised in the group
accounts, but which are taxable in
the individual company accounts.
Unremitted earnings of group –
companies: a temporary difference
may arise where the accounts
carrying value of a subsidiary,
associate or trade investment
is different from the tax base.
The accounts carrying value is
normally based on the net assets
plus goodwill, whereas the tax
base will be the initial cost of the
investment. Normally deferred
tax should be recognised on such
temporary differences, but If reversal
of the temporary difference can
be controlled, or it is probable that
it will not reversed, then deferred
tax need not be accounted for. As
an associate cannot be controlled
(unlike a subsidiary), deferred tax
would normally be accounted for.
Trade investments would not –
normally have deferred tax
implications unless they have been
Accounting treatment
• IAS12requiresfull provision for all
taxable temporary differences (except
for goodwill) using the balance sheet
liability method.
• Deferredtaxassetscanberecognised
for all deductible temporary differences
to the extent it is probable that