Quadrille Publishing, 2005. — 146 с.
Книга на английском языке, адресованная кондитерам-профессионалам и
любителям, увлекающимся изготовлением красивых тортов и пирожных. В
издании даны рекомендации и рецепты изготовления бисквитных
пирожных и тортов, покрытых сахарной глазурью и украшенных
изделиями из марципана. Необычные кондитерские изделия, оформленные
розами, маргаритками, бабочками, имеющие вид принадлежностей для
младенцев, подарочных коробок или морских животных, понравятся как
детям, так и взрослым, и станут прекрасным украшением любого
праздничного стола.
Forget the image of maiden aunts and country fairs - cake decorating has become cutting edge! Peggy Porschen is at the front of this new trend. Her cute designs have won her a host of celebrity clients - she provided the chocolate Faberge eggs for Elton John`s White Tie and Tiara Ball and designed the stunning cake for Stella McCartney`s wedding. Her instantly recognisable designs are inspired by current trends: Bollywood mini cakes are lavishly decorated in rich pinks and glitzy golds, cookies include funky handbags, Doris Day Polka dots, candy coloured stripes and romantic sugar blossoms and butterflies.
Forget the image of maiden aunts and country fairs - cake decorating has become cutting edge! Peggy Porschen is at the front of this new trend. Her cute designs have won her a host of celebrity clients - she provided the chocolate Faberge eggs for Elton John`s White Tie and Tiara Ball and designed the stunning cake for Stella McCartney`s wedding. Her instantly recognisable designs are inspired by current trends: Bollywood mini cakes are lavishly decorated in rich pinks and glitzy golds, cookies include funky handbags, Doris Day Polka dots, candy coloured stripes and romantic sugar blossoms and butterflies.