In 2009, Est & Young helped businesses around the world to
understand and respond to the extraordinary market conditions that
we all faced. Our Opportunities in adversity program led to more
than 45,000 meetings with
companies to discuss their challenges and help them develop programs of action. The insights from these meetings enabled us to identify a new performance agenda — the performance wheel — comprising the eight key
performance goals and related programs of activity that we have observed companies undertaking in response to the new market conditions. Since October 2009 we have been sharing these insights — or Lessons from change
— with our clients.
companies to discuss their challenges and help them develop programs of action. The insights from these meetings enabled us to identify a new performance agenda — the performance wheel — comprising the eight key
performance goals and related programs of activity that we have observed companies undertaking in response to the new market conditions. Since October 2009 we have been sharing these insights — or Lessons from change
— with our clients.