This article aims at appraisal of govemental regulation effectiveness
of human capital development in Ukraine. Such a qualitative
measurement is necessary for reflecting the social-and-political govemental
impact on formation and development of productive human ability as the first
principle for future economical growth.
The study contains both theoretical and empirical sections. The theoretical
section refers to objectivization, data domain definitions and typology. The
practical section presents an appraisal of the State’s active powers, methods
and measures of its impact. Scientific methods employed here are expert
survey as well as abstract-and-logical and graphical methods. The relevant
forms and methods, both those which are already applied and could be
applied in public administrative practice throughout Ukraine, are examined. The next step was the
comparison between present and desirable (needed) groups of methods
through relevant indices connected with the various groups of methods. The core
findings of the article would be valuable to politicians, administrative and municipal officials dealing with the research with greater confidence of its applicability to their programs.
CEU Political Science Joual. Vol. 2, No. 3 2007.
This article aims at appraisal of govemental regulation effectiveness
of human capital development in Ukraine. Such a qualitative
measurement is necessary for reflecting the social-and-political govemental
impact on formation and development of productive human ability as the first
principle for future economical growth.
The study contains both theoretical and empirical sections. The theoretical
section refers to objectivization, data domain definitions and typology. The
practical section presents an appraisal of the State’s active powers, methods
and measures of its impact. Scientific methods employed here are expert
survey as well as abstract-and-logical and graphical methods. The relevant
forms and methods, both those which are already applied and could be
applied in public administrative practice throughout Ukraine, are examined. The next step was the
comparison between present and desirable (needed) groups of methods
through relevant indices connected with the various groups of methods. The core
findings of the article would be valuable to politicians, administrative and municipal officials dealing with the research with greater confidence of its applicability to their programs.
CEU Political Science Joual. Vol. 2, No. 3 2007.