Third Edition. — Harper & Row, 1994. — 423 pages — (Perennial
Library). — ISBN 0-06-273162-9.
Словарь иноязычных слов и выражений, применяемых в английском
языке. Содержит указатель, по которому к английскому понятию можно
подыскать иноязычное слово или выражение.
A shelfful of reference books in one volume
From the well known (plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose) to
the not so familiar (amor de niño, agua en cestillo), The Harper
Dictionary of Foreign Terms defines more than 15,000 foreign words
and phrases, from more than fifty languages, that have entered into
English. Drawing on art, music, literature, cooking, philosophy,
diplomacy, fashion, law, and countless other subjects, and on
languages from ancient Greek to mode Russian and from Arabic to
Zulu, here are phrases and words that have found a place in our own
language or visit us from time to time. With its full English
index, the dictionary is equally useful for teachers, students,
travelers, diplomats, and secretaries. Le mot juste for the right
Originally compiled by C. O. Sylvester Mawson, a lexicographer and
an editor of Roget's Inteational Thesaurus, The Harper Dictionary
of Foreign Terms has been updated and expanded by Eugene Ehrlich,
chief editor of The Oxford American Dictionary and the author of
many books on language, including Amo, Amas, Amat, and More.