Water Properties of Food,Pharmaceutical, and Biological
2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. 748 pages
Maria del Pilar Buera, Jorge Welti-Chanes, Peter J. Lillford, Horacio R. Corti,
ISBN 0-8493-2993-0
Water Properties of Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biological Materials is based on lectures and papers presented by leading inteational researchers in the field at the Ninth Inteational Symposium on the Properties of Water in Foods (ISOPOW, 2004) held at Mar del Plata, Argentina, from September 25 to 30, 2004.
Food materials, biological, and pharmaceutical scientists have recognized that water plays an important role in the structure, functionality and stability of biomaterials. The ubiquitous water molecules are small and simple, but they develop complex interactions and present unusual properties for unprepared observers. We thus aimed to overlap areas of different fields of research having in common problems faced by how and why water behaves as it does. The theme chosen for the ISOPOW 9 meeting was Water properties related to the technology and stability of food, pharmaceutical, and biological materials. The understanding of the properties of water in foods, enriched by approaches from polymer and materials sciences and by the advances of analytical techniques, enabled us to detect unsolved questions and the need to go deeply into them. About 90 participants from 19 different countries attended ISOPOW 9, whose programme embraced areas of contemporary interest. In each of the seven sessions there were three or four oral presentations by invited speakers giving a total of 24 invited lectures. There was ample time provided for discussions. From the 89 submitted abstracts, 74 were accepted, and the members of the scientific committee recommended 20 of them to be presented orally. ISOPOW 9 also made possible the organization of a workshop on Dynamics and relaxation in supercooled fluids and glassy systems. This activity was organized with the objective of bringing together postgraduate students and researchers in the area to generate an environment for discussion of the theoretical and experimental aspects of nonequilibrium processes in supercooled fluids and glasses. The workshop was attended by 20 young researchers and Ph.D. students of different universities and national laboratories of Argentina. Lectures were performed by C.A. Angell (Arizona State University), G. Appignanesi (National South University, Argentina), B. Bagchi (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India), H. Corti (Comisio?n Nacional de Energ??a Ato? mica, Argentina), J. de Pablo (University of Wisconsin), P. Debenedetti, (Princeton University), R. Grigera (University of La Plata, Argentina), T. Grigera, (University of La Plata, Argentina) and V. Molinero (Califoia Institute of Technology).
2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. 748 pages
Maria del Pilar Buera, Jorge Welti-Chanes, Peter J. Lillford, Horacio R. Corti,
ISBN 0-8493-2993-0
Water Properties of Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biological Materials is based on lectures and papers presented by leading inteational researchers in the field at the Ninth Inteational Symposium on the Properties of Water in Foods (ISOPOW, 2004) held at Mar del Plata, Argentina, from September 25 to 30, 2004.
Food materials, biological, and pharmaceutical scientists have recognized that water plays an important role in the structure, functionality and stability of biomaterials. The ubiquitous water molecules are small and simple, but they develop complex interactions and present unusual properties for unprepared observers. We thus aimed to overlap areas of different fields of research having in common problems faced by how and why water behaves as it does. The theme chosen for the ISOPOW 9 meeting was Water properties related to the technology and stability of food, pharmaceutical, and biological materials. The understanding of the properties of water in foods, enriched by approaches from polymer and materials sciences and by the advances of analytical techniques, enabled us to detect unsolved questions and the need to go deeply into them. About 90 participants from 19 different countries attended ISOPOW 9, whose programme embraced areas of contemporary interest. In each of the seven sessions there were three or four oral presentations by invited speakers giving a total of 24 invited lectures. There was ample time provided for discussions. From the 89 submitted abstracts, 74 were accepted, and the members of the scientific committee recommended 20 of them to be presented orally. ISOPOW 9 also made possible the organization of a workshop on Dynamics and relaxation in supercooled fluids and glassy systems. This activity was organized with the objective of bringing together postgraduate students and researchers in the area to generate an environment for discussion of the theoretical and experimental aspects of nonequilibrium processes in supercooled fluids and glasses. The workshop was attended by 20 young researchers and Ph.D. students of different universities and national laboratories of Argentina. Lectures were performed by C.A. Angell (Arizona State University), G. Appignanesi (National South University, Argentina), B. Bagchi (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India), H. Corti (Comisio?n Nacional de Energ??a Ato? mica, Argentina), J. de Pablo (University of Wisconsin), P. Debenedetti, (Princeton University), R. Grigera (University of La Plata, Argentina), T. Grigera, (University of La Plata, Argentina) and V. Molinero (Califoia Institute of Technology).