II.4. Spin-Statistics Connection | 121
know came off an assembly line somewhere in the early universe and could all be slightly
different owing to some negligence in the manufacturing process.
While the spin-statistics rule has such a profound impact in quantum mechanics, its
explanation had to wait for the development of relativistic quantum field theory. Imagine
a civilization that for some reason developed quantum mechanics but has yet to discover
special relativity. Physicists in this civilization eventually realize that they have to invent
some rule to account for the phenomena mentioned above, none of which involves motion
fast compared to the speed of light. Physics would have been intellectually unsatisfying
and incomplete.
One interesting criterion in comparing different areas of physics is their degree of
intellectual incompleteness.
Certainly, in physics we often accept a rule that cannot be explained until we move to the
next level. For instance, in much of physics, we take as a given the fact that the charge of the
proton and the charge of electron are exactly equal and opposite. Quantum electrodynamics
by itself is not capable of explaining this striking fact either. This fact, charge quantization,
can only be deduced by embedding quantum electrodynamics into a larger structure, such
as a grand unified theory, as we will see in chapter VII.6. (In chapter IV.4 we will learn that
the existence of magnetic monopoles implies charge quantization, but monopoles do not
exist in pure quantum electrodynamics.)
Thus, the explanation of the spin-statistics connection, by Fierz and by Pauli in the late
1930s, and by L
uders and Zumino and by Burgoyne in the late 1950s, ranks as one of the
great triumphs of relativistic quantum field theory. I do not have the space to give a general
and rigorous proof
here. I will merely sketch what goes terribly wrong if we violate the
spin-statistics connection.
The price of perversity
A basic quantum principle states that if two observables commute then they are simul-
taneously diagonalizable and hence observable. A basic relativistic principle states that if
two spacetime points are spacelike with respect to each other then no signal can propagate
between them, and hence the measurement of an observable at one of the points cannot
influence the measurement of another observable at the other point.
Consider the charge density J
= i(ϕ
ϕ − ∂
ϕ) in a charged scalar field theory.
According to the two fundamental principles just enunciated, J
(x , t =0) and J
(y , t =0)
should commute for x =y. In calculating the commutator of J
(x , t = 0) with J
(y , t = 0),
we simply use the fact that ϕ(x , t = 0) and ∂
ϕ(x, t = 0) commute with ϕ(y , t = 0) and
ϕ(y, t =0 ), so we just move the field at x steadily past the field at y. The commutator
vanishes almost trivially.
See I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan, Pauli and the Spin-Statistics Theorem, and R. F. Streater and A. S.
Wightman, PCT, Spin Statistics, and All That.