Evidence. L., 1985.
1.40. NUT. The Educational Bill and equal opportunities. L.: HMSO, 1987.
1.41. Office of Health Economics. Compendium of Statistics. L., 1987.
1.42. On the state of the public health: The annual report of chief medical officer of
the Department of Health and Social Security. L.: HMSO, 1984.
1.43. On the state of the public health: The annual report of chief medical officer of
the Department of Health and Social Security. L.: HMSO, 1986.
1.44. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. Official Report. Vols. 596, 899,
1054, 1198, 1199, 1210.
1.45. Public health in England: The report of the commission of inquiry into the future
development of the public health function. L., 1988.
1.46. Reform of social security. L.: HMSO, 1985.
1.47. Reform of social security: Programme for action. L.: HMSO, 1985.
1.48. Report of the Committee to review the functioning of financial institutions. L.:
HMSO, 1977.
1.49. Royal commission on National Health Service. Access to primary care. L.:
HMSO, 1979
1.50. Secretaries of state for health Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Working
for Patients. L.: HMSO, 1989.
1.51. Secretary of state for social security and the minister for welfare reform. New
ambitions for our country: a new contrast for welfare. L., 1988.
1.52. Social security act 1989. L.: HMSO, 1989.
1.53. Social security bill 1986. L.: HMSO, 1986.
1.54. Social security: A guide to income support. L.: DSS, 1989.
1.55. DES. The Education Reform Act 1980. L.: HMSO, 1980
1.56. The Government’s Expenditure Plans, 1979/80 to 1981/82; 1985/86 to 1987/88;
1986/87 to 1988/89; 1987/88 to 1989/90; 1988/89 to 1990/91.
1.57. The next move forward. The Conservative manifesto, 1987. L., 1987.
1.58. The Right Approach to the economy. L., 1977.
1.59. The Right Approach. A statement of conservative aims. L., 1976.