Here the functions V
(x) are known, and u is p eriodic on ∂R. Let us denote
by u
the approximated solution with N basis functions. Then one can prove
||u(t) − u
≤ CN
. (76)
Here u(0) is the initial condition, the constant C is independent of N and
u(0). Hence the convergence can be very fast if the initial and boundary
conditions are smooth enough.
The choice of the basis functions strongly affects the accuracy of the
spectral methods. Based on the known applications, we present frequently
employed basis functions in table 3.
Basis functions Properties
Eigenfunctions the solution of a similar problem
Fourier expansion periodic boundary conditions, infinitely differentiable
Legendre polynomials non-periodicity
Tchebyshev polynomials non-periodicity, the minimax principle
Table 3: The basis functions for the spectral methods.
Let us discuss these basis sets in more detail. If we go from the bottom
to the top of the table, we have more restrictive requirements for the sets.
On the other hand, if those requirements are satisfied, the convergence speed
is better for the topper set.
1. Eigenfunctions of a s imilar problem which can be effectively solved.
The boundary conditions of the problem under investigation have to be s at-
isfied. The exact solution has to be infinitely differentiable.
2. The Fourier expansion. For the application of the Fourier expan-
sion, the boundary conditions must be periodic, then the convergence speed
is exponential. If they are not, the Fourier expansion make them periodic
with a jump on one of the boundaries (the Gibbs effect, see Fig. 48.).
So due to this jump the convergence speed degrades to O(N
) for the
sine Fourier expansion. For the cosine expansion, the convergence speed is a
little bit better, namely O(N
) everywhere except of a boundary vicinity,
where it is O(N
) again.