Lecture 9
A priori and a posteriori error estimations. Superconvergence. Adaptive solution
refinement. h-, p-, and hp-refinement.
23 A priori and a posteriori error estimations
For the error estimations in all branches of the numerical analysis including
the FEM there widely use two types of methods: a priori and a posteriori
methods. According to their names, a priori methods can give some in-
formation about the accuracy of the solution prior to the solution itself is
actually computed. A posteriori methods require a solution (or, typically,
few solutions) to be calculated, then they can measure its accuracy.
In the frame of the FEM, a priori error estimations are well-known. In
the most regular cases, they can be described as
|u − U|
≤ Ch
, (62)
s = 0, 1, u ∈ H
where h is the maximal finite element volume. In Eq.(62), the approximation
U for the exact solution u is constructed in the domain Ω, and the error
estimations are given for the solution and its derivatives. The advantage of
these estimations is that we know them before any solution is constructed.
On the other hand, we do not know as a rule the value of the constant C in
the r.h.s. and the norm of the exact solution, and, therefore, cannot estimate
the error quantitatively.
As we have already mentioned, a posteriori estimations employ already
known approximate solutions in order to estimate errors quantitatively. One
can find different a posteriori estimators, so it is worthwhile to formulate the
requirements to get useful estimators. As a rule, the applicable estimator
• give accurate error estimation for arbitrary meshes and polynomial de-