25 The adaptive solution refinement. h-, p-,
and hp-refinement
The construction of the FEM solution of the variational problem on one
chosen mesh is, as a rule, not enough to get the solution of the initial physical
problem. We should check the accuracy of the solution, and we are not
guaranteed that the accuracy is satisfactory. Therefore, the way of the typical
solution of the physical problem with the FEM (and equally with any other
numerical approach) consists of the following steps:
• the choice of the mesh and elemental functions (i.e. h and p are fixed),
• the solution construction on the chosen mesh,
• the solution analysis and the error calculation,
• changing of the mesh and/or elemental functions.
These sequence can be repeated few times when necessary.
The appropriate choice of the mesh and elemental functions can be done
in different ways. There exist two main types of the solution refinement:
1. h-refinement:
The type of the finite elements is fixed. The size of the elements can change:
it can be decreased in some places while increased in other places.
2. p-refinement:
The size of the elements is fixed, the polynomial degree can be increased (or
decreased) on specific elements. As a rule, the hierarchical elements are used.
The types of h-refinement:
1. The element subdivision (enrichment).
Elements with the big local error are subdivided into subelements while el-
ements with small error can be enriched with neighboring elements. Here
there might be two kind of problems preventing us from using this approach:
– dangling no des,
– the complicated structure of the unified elements.
2. The total remeshing.