671Friction and lubrication in diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
does not reduce as much as the monograde oils over the engine operating
temperature range. Common multigrade oils include the SAE 10W-30, 10W-
40, 10W-50, 15W-40, 15W-50, and 20W-50. The 10W-30 means that the oil
has the viscosity of the SAE 10 when it is cold (at 15∞C) and the viscosity of
the SAE 30 when it is hot (at 90∞C). Multigrade oil may reduce the engine
start friction at very cold temperatures without having the problems of an
unacceptably low viscosity and metal contact at high temperatures. Monaghan
(1988) indicated that the multigrade oil may achieve a reduction in viscosity
equivalent to about one grade at intermediate temperatures, hence reducing
the viscous friction by about 20%. Multigrade oils contain the polymetric
additives with relatively high molecular weight, and exhibit both temporary
and permanent shear thinning as the non-Newtonian ow behavior, which
affects their viscosity. Newtonian uid obeys a linear relationship between the
shear stress and the shear rate, and its viscosity is independent of the shear
rate. Under high pressures, the lubricant exhibits non-Newtonian behavior
and the viscosity decreases as the shear rate increases. Moreover, lubricant
oil viscosity increases with the level of soot and dispersant in the oil (George
et al., 2007). Other fundamental information on engine oils can be found in
SAE J357 (2006), J2227 (2006), J1423 (2003), and J183 (2006).
Lubricant viscosity is a strong function of temperature (e.g., Vogel’s
equation) and pressure (e.g., Barus’ equation). The viscosity decreases with
increasing temperature, and increases with increasing pressure (important
for the elastohydrodynamic conditions). The non-Newtonian and thermal
effects can be important in oil lm thickness calculations, especially for
rough surfaces and in the elastohydrodynamic lubrication. Under the non-
Newtonian condition the shear thinning and viscoelasticity effects (i.e., the
inuence of shear rate and pressure on viscosity) need to be considered.
The shear rate impact (e.g., the Cross equation) is especially important
for multigrade oils. In the highly dynamically loaded lubricated contacts,
the effects of temperature thinning, pressure thickening (the viscoelastic
effect) and shear thinning can all be important. The lubricant behavior in
the elastohydrodynamic lubrication contacts is reviewed by Jacobson (1996).
Coy (1997) and Taylor (1997) provide the details on the models of lubricant
rheology, friction and wear based on the Stribek-type diagrams. Note that
these models are suitable for diesel engine system design as the level-2
models (to be detailed later).
As seen from the earlier discussion of the Stribeck diagram, the friction
coefcient in the hydrodynamic lubrication regime decreases as the lubricant
viscosity decreases. However, in the boundary lubrication regime (e.g., for
some cam–follower contact and piston oil rings), lower viscosity results
in higher friction. Therefore, the bearings and the piston skirt usually give
lower friction when the lubricant viscosity is reduced, while the valvetrain
gives increased friction. The effectiveness of using the low viscosity oil to
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