663Friction and lubrication in diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
to occur. The low value of
makes the hydrodynamic lubricating oil
lm pressure insuf cient to support the load by itself, and the load must
be carried by the asperity contact as well. From this point, the lubrication
enters the mixed lubrication regime. The coef cient of friction increases as
reduces. In the mixed lubrication regime, the total friction consists
of the contributions from both the hydrodynamic element and the asperity
contact. The asperity contact can be modeled by the average shear stress
model developed by Patir and Cheng (1979).
Finally, a further reduction in
makes the oil lm thickness much
smaller than the height of the surface asperities. This brings the lubrication
into the boundary lubrication regime where the metal-to-metal contact
dominates and there is no hydrodynamic lubrication pressure. In the boundary
lubrication, the physical and chemical actions of the thin oil lms attached to
the surfaces determine the tribological performance. The surface actions that
determine the behavior of the boundary lubricant include the following: the
physically adsorbed layers of the lubricant, the chemically adsorbed layers,
and the oil lms formed by chemical reactions. Friction modi er additives in
the lubricant have a major in uence by modifying the shear strength of the
boundary lubricant lm. When the load or the sliding speed at the contact
interface area is high, signi cantly high contact temperatures may occur. The
lubricating oil lm formed by the physical and chemical adsorption layers
cease to be effective above a certain temperature threshold. However, some
additives such as sulfur, zinc, and phosphorus in the lubricant may help to
maintain effective boundary lubrication. Special boundary lubricant can be
effective in the most arduous operating conditions in the engine. Therefore,
the friction is affected by the solid materials and the lubricant additives in the
boundary lubrication. The coef cient of friction is essentially independent of
oil viscosity, load, speed, and apparent area of the contact. The properties of
the bulk lubricant such as viscosity are of minor importance. The coef cient
of friction in the boundary lubrication is equal to the shear strength of the
material (or more realistically, the shear strength of the oil lm on the
surface) divided by the yield pressure of the material (Rosenberg, 1982).
The coef cient of friction in the boundary lubrication is basically a constant,
typically at 0.08–0.12. The mixed and boundary lubrication regimes are
responsible for the wear on the engine components.
The Stribeck diagram re ects the fundamental tribological characteristics
of a friction pair with a given geometry. For example, in the hydrodynamic
lubrication regime, different geometries (e.g., pro le, contact area, bearing
aspect ratio, clearance) will have different curves in the diagram. It can
be used to look up the coef cient of friction based on the duty parameter.
The Stribeck diagram is the foundation of the level-1 and level-2 engine
friction models used in engine system design. It can be obtained either
experimentally or numerically. When solved numerically, the friction shear
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