173Durability and reliability in diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
in the EGR cooler, lower EGR ow than desirable results, and the NO
emissions target cannot be met.
EGR cooler fouling characteristics change over time. The deposits
initially build up quickly with a fast deposition rate and then stabilize after
50–200 hours (Hoard et al., 2008). As a result, the rate of change in cooler
performance degradation due to fouling is initially quite large. However, the
cooler effectiveness may asymptotically approach a stabilized constant value
after some time (Zhang et al., 2004). The stabilization is believed due to
certain mechanisms related to deposit removal and deposition rate change.
The mechanism of EGR cooler fouling is complex. It depends largely
on both design and engine operating conditions such as the amount and
composition of soot/HC/acid, condensate, exhaust gas temperature, gas ow
velocity, and ow pressure pulsation. Severe EGR cooler fouling and plugging
may occur when excessive carbon soot is generated during combustion, or an
excessively large amount of HC is produced by low-load operation, misre
or late post-injection used to assist DPF regeneration. A larger amount of
condensate makes the cooler deposits worse in fouling since heavy wet soot/
HC deposits are worse than dry uffy soot deposits. The problem of soot and
HC fouling may be aggravated by the presence of liquid lm in the cooler
such as water condensate, leaking coolant, unburnt and condensed HC.
EGR cooler conguration (n type or tube-in-shell type) affects its fouling
characteristics. High gas ow velocity in the cooler tube may reduce the
deposition but it generally causes a larger pressure drop. Lower gas ow
velocity increases the amount of deposits. The most dangerous condition
for soot fouling is at the low speeds/loads. Deposit accumulation is worse
at the lower speed or load conditions where the EGR ow rate and gas
temperature are lower. At these conditions, it is also more difcult to blow
off the deposits with the low gas ow velocity. The higher exhaust gas
velocity under some driving conditions may have an abrasive self-cleaning
effect to remove the soot deposits. This event can help avoid tube clogging
and maintain sufcient performance of heat transfer and pressure drop.
The EGR fouling and plugging problems are complex issues whose
solution requires coordination of the efforts from the teams of cooler design,
combustion development, emissions calibration, aftertreatment and electronic
controls. The selection of EGR cooler n density is critical for alleviating
the fouling problem. The cooler size in terms of cooling capacity and ow
restriction needs to be determined based on the stabilized fouled (seasoned)
condition rather than the clean condition with a sufcient design margin
reserved. Hoard et al. (2008) suggested that in order to consider the worst-
case service operation condition the EGR coolers need to be over-sized in
the order of 30% to obtain the required cooling capacity when fouled. In fact,
the specic percentage margin reserved for fouling should be determined
based on specic cooler design details and engine operating conditions. A
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