157Durability and reliability in diesel engine system design
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was provided by Krepulat et al. (2002). The FEA model can handle more
complex calculations that cannot be conducted using the Hertzian equation
due to restricted assumptions in the Hertzian equation. Such restrictions
may include the edge loading effect, nonlinear and plastic material behavior,
complex geometric form of contact bodies such as the logarithmic roller
prole (Fujiwara and Kawase, 2007), or measured irregular roller crown
proles. Krepulat et al. (2002) also pointed out the pitfalls of incorrectly
applying the Hertzian equation of a cylindrical roller to the case of a crowned
roller or crowned cam lobe. They showed that the miscalculated cam stress
as such could be 30% lower than the correct value.
The skew (tilting) motion of the roller affects the cam elastic deformation
and stress. The dynamic skew motion as a function of cam angle was
investigated by Ito (2006). He found that the skew motion was affected by
the cam prole, the roller prole, the follower–guide misalignment, and the
moment of inertia of the follower. Moreover, roller slip may cause wear
and durability problems. Roller skew motion and roller slip are two major
research topics related to roller follower simulation. Roller slip friction is
detailed in Chapter 10.
2.9.5 Engine piston and crankshaft durability
The piston is probably the engine component whose structural durability has
been the most extensively investigated. The thermo-mechanical durability of
the piston is affected mainly by peak cylinder pressure, thermal loading and
piston cooling. The heat transfer rate and piston temperature increase with
engine speed and torque. The maximum piston temperature usually occurs
at rated power. The effects of oil jet cooling and engine operating condition
on piston temperature distribution were investigated by Roehrle (1978)
and Thiel et al. (2007). The temperature distribution of piston and piston
rings without forced cooling for the under-crown surface of the piston was
experimentally investigated by Furuhama and Suzuki (1979). The calculation
of piston temperature distribution was conducted theoretically by Woschni
(1979) and numerically by Wu and Chiu (1986). For more information on
diesel engine piston structural calculation, design, fatigue life, material, and
durability analysis, the reader is referred to the following: Makartchouk
(2002), Munro (1999), Spengler and Young (1986), Myers (1990), Keribar
et al. (1990), Afonso et al. (1991), Myers and Chi (1991), Castleman (1993),
Vertin et al. (1993), Barnes and Lades (2002), Reichstein et al. (2007) and
Cha et al. (2009).
Crankshaft durability investigation is presented in Law (1984), Henry et al.
(1992), Park et al. (2001), Zorou and Fatemi (2005), Williams and Fatemi
(2007), Montazersadgh and Fatemi (2007, 2008), Choi and Pan (2009), and
Çevik et al. (2009).
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