1.5.6 Assessment
Diusion of heat or the transfer of a pollutant may occur in nonrectangular
domains. Certainly a rectangular lake is not realistic. Other discretization
methods such as the finite element scheme are very useful in modeling more
complicated geometric objects. Also, the assumption of the unknown depending
on just two space variables may not be acceptable. Some discussion of three
dimensional models is given in Sections 4.4-4.6, and in Sections 6.2-6.3 where
there are three dimensional analogous codes heat3d.m and flow3d.m
1.5.7 Exercises
1. Duplicate the calculations in heat2d.m. Use mesh and contour to view
the temperatures at di
erent times.
2. In heat2d.m experiment with di
erent time mesh sizes, pd{n = 150> 300>
450. Be sure to consider the stability constraint.
3. In heat2d.m experiment with di
erent space mesh sizes, q = 10> 20 and
40. Be sure to consider the stability constraint.
4. In heat2d.m experiment with di
erent thermal conductivities N = frqg =
=01> =02 and .04. Be sure to make any adjustments to the time step so that the
stability condition holds.
5. Suppose heat is being generated at a rate of 3 units of heat per unit
volume per unit time.
(a). How is the finite di
erence model for the 2D problem in equation
(1.5.4) modified to account for this?
(b). Modify heat2d.m to implement this source of heat.
(c). Experiment with di
erent values for the heat source i = 0> 1> 2> 3=
6. In the 2D finite dierence model in equation (1.5.4) and in the M
code heat2d.m the space steps in the { and | directions were assumed to be
equal to
(a). Modify these so that
{ = g{ and | = g| are dierent.
(b). Experiment with dierent shaped fins that are not squares, that is,
in lines 4-5
Z and O may be dierent.
(c). Or, experiment in line 9 where
q is replaced by q{ and q| for
dierent numbers of steps in the { and | directions so that the length of the
space loops must change.
7. Duplicate the calculations in flow2d.m. Use mesh and contour to view
the temperatures at di
erent times.
8. In flow2d.m experiment with di erent time mesh sizes, pd{n = 100>
200> 400. Be sure to consider the stability constraint.
9. In flow2d.m experiment with dierent space mesh sizes, q{ = 5> 10 and
20. Be sure to consider the stability constraint.
10. In flow2d.m experiment with dierent decay rates ghf = =01> =02 and
.04. Be sure to make any adjustments to the time step so that the stability
condition holds.
11. Experiment with the wind velocity in the M
ATLAB code flow2d.m.
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