expect to have temperature variations in the radial direction as well as in the
direction of the wire. Or, in the pollutant model the source may be on a shallow
lake and not a stream so that the pollutant may move within the lake in plane,
that is, the concentrations of the pollutant will be a function of two space
variables and time.
1.5.2 Applied Area
Consider heat diusion in a thin 2D cooling fin where there is diusion in both
{ and | directions, but any diusion in the } direction is minimal and can
be ignored. The objective is to determine the temperature in the interior of the
fin given the initial temperature and the temperature on the boundary. This
will allow us to assess the cooling fin’s e
ectiveness. Related problems come
from the manufacturing of large metal objects, which must be cooled so as not
to damage the interior of the object. A similar 2D p ollutant problem is to
track the concentration of a pollutant moving across a lake. The source will be
upwind so that the pollutant is moving according to the velocity of the wind.
We would like to know the concentration of the pollutant given the upwind
concentrations along the boundary of the lake, and the initial concentrations in
the lake.
1.5.3 Model
The models for both of these applications evolve from partitioning a thin plate
or shallow lake into a set of small rectangular volumes,
{|W> where W is the
of heat or pollutant through the right vertical face. In the case of heat di
the heat entering or leaving through each of the four vertical faces must be given
by the Fourier heat law applied to the direction perpendicular to the vertical
face. For the p ollutant model the amount of pollutant, concentration times
volume, must be tracked through each of the four vertical faces. This type of
analysis leads to the following models in two space directions. Similar models
in three space directions are discussed in Sections 4.4-4.6 and 6.2-6.3.
In order to generate a 2D time dependent model for heat transfer di
the Fourier heat law must be applied to both the
{ and | directions. The
continuous and discrete 2D models are very similar to the 1D versions. In
the continuous 2D model the temperature x will depend on three variables,
x({> |> w). In (1.5.1) (Nx
models the diusion in the | direction; it mod els
the heat entering and leaving the left and right of the rectangle
k = { by
k = |= More details of this derivation will be given in Section 3.2.
Continuous 2D Heat Model for u = u(x
> y> t).
= i (1.5.1)
x({> |> 0) = given (1.5.2)
x({> |> w) = given on the boundary (1.5.3)
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small thickness of the volume. Figure 1.5.1 depicts this volume, and the transfer