4. Consider a 2D cooling plate whose model is
)= Use Picard’s method coupled with a linear solver of your choice.
4.4 Steady State 3D Heat Diusion
4.4.1 Introduction
Consider the cooling fin where there is diusion in all three directions. When
each direction is discretized, say with Q unknowns in each direction, then there
will be
total unknowns. So, if the Q is doubled, then the total number of
unknowns will increase by a factor of 8! Moreover, if one uses the full version of
Gaussian elimination, the numb er of floating point operations will be of order
@3 so that a doubling of Q will increase the floating point operations to
execute the Gaussian elimination algorithm by a factor of 64! This is known as
the curse of dimensionality, and it requires the use of faster computers and algo-
rithms. Alternatives to full Gaussian elimination are block versions of Gaussian
and conjugate gradient algorithms. In this section a 3D version of SOR will be
applied to a cooling fin with di
usion in all three directions.
4.4.2 Applied Area
Consider an electric transformer that is used on a power line. The electrical
current flowing through the wires inside the transformer generates heat. In or-
der to cool the transformer, fins that are not long or very thin in any direction
are attached to the transformer. Thus, there will be significant temperature
variations in each of the three directions, and consequently, there will be heat
usion in all three directions. The problem is to find the steady state heat
distribution in the 3D fin so that one can determine the fin’s cooling e
4.4.3 Model
In order to model the temperature, we will first assume temperature is given
along the 3D boundary of the volume (0
> O) × (0> Z ) × (0> W ). Consider a
small mass within the fin whose volume is
{|}. This volume will have
heat sources or sinks via the two
{} surfaces, two |} surfaces, and two
{| surfaces as well as any internal heat source given by i({> |> }) with units
of heat/(vol. time).
through the right face {} is given by the Fourier heat law ({}) w
({> | + |> })=
The Fourier heat law applied to each of the three directions will give the
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This is depicted in Figure 4.4.1 where the heat flowing
elimination as brieflydescribed in Chapter 3 and iterativemethodssuchasSOR