3.5 Deformed Membrane and Steepest Descent
3.5.1 Introduction
The objective of this and the next section is to introduce the conjugate gradient
method for solving special algebraic systems where the coe
!cient matrix D is
symmetric (D = D
) and positive definite ({
D{ A 0 for all nonzero real vectors
{). Properties of these matrices also will be carefully studied in Section 8.2.
This method will be motivated by the applied problem to find the deformation of
membrane if the position on the boundary and the pressure on the membrane
are known. The model will initially be in terms of finding the deformation
so that the potential energy of the membrane is a minimum, but it will be
reformulated as a partial di
erential equation. Also, the method of steepest
descent in a single direction will be introduced. In the next section this will be
generalized from the steepest descent method from one to multiple directions,
which will eventually give rise to the conjugate gradient method.
3.5.2 Applied Area
Consider a membrane whose edges are fixed, for example, a musical drum. If
there is pressure (force per unit area) applied to the interior of the membrane,
then the membrane will deform. The objective is to find the deformation for
every location on the membrane. Here we will only focus on the time indepen-
dent model, and also we will assume the deformation and its first order partial
derivative are "relatively" small. These two assumptions will allow us to for-
mulate a model, which is similar to the heat di
usion and fluid flow models in
the previous sections.
3.5.3 Model
There will be three equivalent models. The formulation of the minimum po-
tential energy model will yield the weak formulation and the partial dierential
equation model of a steady state membrane with small deformation. Let
x({> |)
be the deformation at the space location (
{> |). The potential energy has two
parts: one from the expanded surface area, and one from an applied pressure.
Consider a small patch of the membrane above the rectangular region
The surface area above the region
{| is approximately, for a small patch,
V = (1 + x
+ x
The potential energy of this patch from the expansion of the membrane will be
prop ortional to the di
erence V {|. Let the prop ortionality constant
be given by the tension
W . Then the potential energy of this patch from the
expansion is
W (V {|) = W ((1 + x
+ x
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