89. utemp = utemp + 2.*rdy2*(u(i,j-1));
90. utemp = utemp/(2.*rdx2 + 2.*rdy2);
91. utemp = (1.-ww)*u(i,j) + ww*utemp;
92. error = abs(utemp - u(i,j));
93. u(i,j) = utemp;
94. if (error
95. numi = numi +1;
96. end
97. end
98. m = m+1;
99. end
100. % Output to Terminal
101. m
102. ww
103. meshc(x,y,u’)
the pressure drops from 100 to around 45. This required 199 SOR iterations,
and SOR parameter
z = 1=97 was found by numerical experimentation. This
numerical approximation may have significant errors due either to the SOR
convergence criteria hsv = =01 in line 6 being too large or to the mesh size
in lines 9 and 10 being too large. If
hsv = =001, then 270 SOR iterations are
required and the solution did not change by much. If hsv = =001, q| is doubled
from 20 to 40, and the
mz and mzs are also d oubled so that the wells are located
in the same position in space, then 321 SOR iterations are computed and little
erence in the graphs is noted. If the flow rate at both wells is increased from
250. to 500., then the pressure should drop. Convergence was attained in 346
SOR iterations for hsv = =001, q{ = 50 and q| = 40, and the graph s hows the
pressure at the second well to be negative, which indicates the well has gone
3.3.6 Assessment
This porous flow model has enough assumptions to rule out many real applica-
tions. For groundwater problems the soils are usually not fully saturated, and
the hydraulic conductivity can be highly nonlinear or vary with s pace according
to the soil types. Often the soils are very heterogeneous, and the soil properties
are unknown. Porous flows may require 3D calculations and irregularly shaped
domains. The good news is that the more complicated models have many sub-
problems, which are similar to our present models from heat di
usion and fluid
flow in saturated porous media.
3.3.7 Exercises
1. Consider the groundwater problem. Experiment with the choice of z and
hsv. Observe the number of iterations required for convergence.
© 2004 by Chapman & Hall/CRC
The graphical output is given in Figure 3.3.3 where there are two wells and