of new symbols for them to learn. Rather, use that famili-
arity to create hybrid symbols that individualise your
document but retain the readability and instant recognition
that classic icons have.
All decisions should be made by asking: What will
readers do now? What will they want to know? What will
keep them interested?
David Siegel, Creating killer web sites: The art of third-generation site design,
2nd edn, Hayden Books, Indianapolis, 1997, ISBN 1 56830 433 1.
Jeffrey Veen, Hot Wired style: Principles for building smart web sites, Wired
Books, San Francisco, 1997, ISBN 1 888869 09 7.
Jakob Nielsen, Designing web usability: The practice of simplicity, New Riders
Publishing, Indianapolis, 2000, ISBN 1 56205 810 X.
David Siegel, Secrets of successful web sites: Project management on the world
wide web, Hayden Books, Indianapolis, 1997, ISBN 1 56830 382 3.
Vincent Flanders and Michael Willis, Web pages that suck: Learn good design by
looking at bad design, Sybex, Alameda, California, 1996,
ISBN 0 7821 2187 X.
Roger Black with Sean Elder, Web sites that work, Adobe Press, San Jose,
California, 1997, ISBN 1 5680 346 7.
Robin Williams and John Tollett, The non-designer’s web book, Peachpit Press,
Berkeley, 1998, ISBN 0 201 68859 X.
Roger Pring, www.type: Effective typographic design for the world wide web,
Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1999, ISBN 0 297 82539 9.
Anne T. McKenna, Digital portfolio: 26 design portfolios unzipped, Rockport
Publishers, Gloucester, Mass., 2000, ISBN 1 56496 467 1.
B. Martin Pederson (ed.), Graphis: New media, Graphis Press, Zurich, 1996,
ISBN 1 888001 06 2.
Molly Holzschlag, Web by design: The complete guide, Sybex, Alameda,
California, ISBN 0 7821 2201 9.
Jennifer Niederst, Web design in a nutshell, O’Reilly, Sebastopol, California,
1999, ISBN 1 56592 515 7.
Laurie McCanna, Creating great web graphics, 2nd edn, MIS Press, New York,
1997, ISBN 1 55828 550 4.
Ken Coupland (ed.), WebWorks: Navigation, Rockport Publishers, Rockport,
Mass., 2000, ISBN 1 56496 662 3.
Marc Phillips, Behind Australia’s most successful websites, Bookman,
Melbourne, 1997, ISBN 1 86395 280 2.
Andy Shafran, Creating your own web pages, 2nd edn, Que Corporation,
Indianapolis, 1997, ISBN 0 7897 1232 6.
Paul McFedries, The complete idiot’s guide to creating an HTML web page, Que
Corporation, Indianapolis, 1996, ISBN 0 7897 0722 5.
Geekgirl [Rosie Cross], The friendly grrls guide to getting on the internet,
Geekgirl, Sydney, 1997, ISBN 0 646 277793 6.
98 Projects
Site testing
Test the site in at least the two
leading browsers, Netscape
Navigator and Microsoft’s Internet
Explorer, before loading it. Observe
how the pages look as each browser
converts the HTML tags, and check
how quickly the various files load.
Get someone who is unfamiliar with
the site to surf it with you, and make
any changes to improve or streamline
the site. Check it in both browsers
again, not just the current versions
but also the last two versions of
those browsers. Most surfers do not
upgrade their browsers on every
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