colour, 7, 26, 235–50
boxed text, 220–1
business cards, 73
catalogues, 47, 48
corporate palette, 64, 66
discussing, in rationales, 290
forms, 75, 77, 78
multimedia products, 87
paper, 252, 272
prepress, 248–9, 252, 253, 258:
flat plans, 254, 255
preprints, 259–60
signalling hypertext link, 105
symbolic, 17–18
in 3-D animation, 94
unity in, 130
Web sites, 96, 100, 236
colour-coding, 237
forms, 75
charts, 150, 151
series, 35
colour photography, 143, 236
colour separation, 243, II
coloured pictures, 125
coloured type, 245
column setting, 136–8, 141, 187, 210
comics, 53–4
commas, 201, 204
communication, 6–12
compatible typefaces, 185
compliments slips, 73
compressed (condensed) fonts, 179,
computer animation, 89–94, 104, 154
computer keyboard shortcuts, 166
computer screens, 85, 95, 249
reading on, 125
concertina fold, 46
conclusions and recommendations (in
publications), 37
condensed fonts, 179, 181
conference signage, 81–2
connecting scripts, 174, 175
constant page depth, 142
contents lists, 37, 40
continuation lines, 42
continuation sheets, 71
contouring imagery, 142–3
contractions, 203
contracts, 294–6
contrast, 155–7, 163, 193–4
between typefaces, 185
Copperplate gothic, 177
copyright, 295–6
images, 146–7
information in publications, 36
orders of service and, 52
typefaces and, 170
corporate documents, 59, 63–4
corporate identity/image, 56–82
brands, 57, 109
custom magazines and, 44–5
graphic detailing, 132–3
grids, 138
image advertising, 109
in small-space press ads, 113
on Web sites, 96–7
preprints, 259–60
publishers’ information, 36, 40,
see also logos
corporate identity manuals, 65–7
corporate magazines, 43–5
coupons, 48–9
scissors along broken line, 176
covers, 36, 38–9, 122, 40
advertising on back, 115
pamphlets, 46
paper specification, 272
craft bindings, 284, 285
credit lines, 111
for images, 147
cropping, 127, 129, 144–6
cross-rules, 137
cultural diversity, 83
custom magazines, 43–5
cutting, 287
dark tone, 155–6
dash (em rule), 205, 206–7
dates, 36, 40, 113, 204, 205
Dead history bold, 178
debossing, 286
decorative typefaces, 176, 177–8
dedications, 37
demi fonts, 179
descender, 182
design audits, 57–8
design files, 121
design justification/rationale, 290
designers, 289–97
desktop publishing (DTP), 165–6, 228
diagrams, 148–54
Didot point system, 183
C paper sizes, 139
Cairo (Rockwell), 171, 172
calendering, 272, 273
caliper, 272
cap height, 182
capitals, 196–201
acronyms and initialisms, 200,
height, 170
in Internet documents, 105–6
in names, 202, 203
kerning, 190–1
see also all-capital settings
captions, 15, 42, 155, 221–2
car signage, 81
cartoons, 148
cascading style sheets, 106–7
casebinding (section sewn), 279, 281,
cast coated paper, 273
catalogues, 47–9
personalised, for type, 186
cataloguing-in-publication data, 36
CD jewel cases, 139
CD-ROM referencing, 219
Century schoolbook, 171
Chairperson’s statement (in
publications), 37
charts, 148–54
Chelmsford, 173
Cheltenham, 171
chemical proofs, 249
children, 4
children’s books, text size for, 183
Chromalin, 249
church services, orders of, 52
CIP, 36
Clarendon, 172
clarity, 9–10
Claro (Helvetica), 170, 173, 194
classified ads, 114
clear foils, 286
client publishing, 43–5
clip art, 147–8
CMY, 243
CMYK, 243–6
coated papers, 272–3
collating and gathering, 278–9
collotype, 262
colons, 201, 207
colophons, 36, 37, 41
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