A.1 Introduction
This book presents a data model that is a different take on
the same ontological principles behind the ISO 15926 -2 data
model. As I explained earlier, the reason for the different take is
the diffe rent purpose that this book has from the ISO standard.
In developing the ISO standard, there was considerable pressure
to keep the number of entity types as small as possible. This
perhaps led to the standard being harder to interpret and use
than a larger, more explicit model. By contrast, in the HQDM
schema, I present the same ontological principles in such a way
that my data model makes it easier to see how the data model
should be populated. This produces a data model with a larger
entity type count but that covers only the core of the ISO
15926-2 data model.
The purpose of this appendix is to show how the entity types
in the two data models relate to each other. I do this both
graphically and textually. The graphical conventions are illus-
trated in Figure A-1, where the double-ended lollypop shows
the entity types are equivalent, the subtype symbol shows that
an HQDM entity type is a subtype of an ISO 15926-2 entity
type, and the arrow shows the ISO 15926-2 entity type of which
the HQDM entity type is an instance (so the entity type can be
placed in the ISO 15926 RDL). An instanc e of relationship is
required unless the entity types are equivalent.
Not all entity types are mapped, but those that are critical to
understanding the relationship between the HQDM data model
and the ISO 15926-2 data model are.