Attribute definitions:
ending An en
ding relationship type where an
ownership has as ending not more
than one ending_of_ownership.
beginning A beginning relationship type where
an ownership has as beginning exactly
one beginning_of_ownership.
consists_of_participant A consists_of_participant relationship
type where an ownership consists_
of_participant exactly one owner.
consists_of_participant_Aconsists_of_participant relationship
type where an ownership consists_
of_participant exactly one asset.
17.36 Transfer of Ownership
Figure 17-36 shows the data model for transfer_of_owner-
ship.Atransfer_of_ownership is a socially_constructed_activity
that causes the ending_of_ownership for one ownership and
causes the beginning_of_ownership of another. The participants
in the activity are the transferor, which is a temporal_part_of the
current owner , and the transferee, who will become the new
owner and the transfer_of_ownership references the asset which
is to be transferred. A transfer_of_ownership may be part_of an
One kind of transfer_of _ownership is when a money_asset
is transferred.
17.36.1 Money_asset
An asset that is a state_of_ amount_of_money.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY money_asset
SUBTYPE OF(asset, state_of_amount_of_money);
17.36.2 Transfer_of_ownership
A socially_constructed_activity that ends one ownership
and begins another for assets that are a temporal_part_of the
same physical_object.
310 Chapter 17 HQDM_FRAMEWORK