munity projects in the future. Thirteen other communiti e s on the
Thames have now approached GSSG to learn from the group’s expe-
rience and seek advice.
GSSG will ensure that the scheme will educate the general public
and children on sustainable, zero carbon, zero pollution energy pro-
duction. Remote displays indicating how much power is being pro-
duced and a schematic of the project and its benefits for all to read
will be located near the lock and road bridge. It is forecast that school
parties will travel to the site to learn from the project.
Likewise this project will provide a huge tourism magnet which
will be beneficial to the local economy and local businesses. All spon-
sors and financial contributors to the project through all the phases
will be given prominence on the displays.
The Swan Hotel at Streatley and the owners, Nike Group, will be
able to advertise that they obtain the majori ty of their electr icity
from clean, sustainable sources for at least three generations.
Not least the parishes of Goring and Streatley will be trailblazers
as this will be the first such installation visible to the public and river
users on the Thames. Incidentally, Goring Mill was the first on the
Thames to produce electricity from the river – in 1895 – and this
project will be a perfect ‘closing of the circle’.
Dave Holt, Hydro Project Leader, Goring & Streatley
Sustainability Group, UK. Email: or
visit for more details
• Low installation costs as there is no need to dig down into the river
bed as for vertically mounted turbines.
• Performance is maintained over a wide range of flows.
• Visually entrancing and audibly relaxing.
The outline design study funded by SODC, Chilterns Sustainable
Development Fund (SDF), North Wessex Downs SDF and Streatley
Parish Council was completed in March 2008 by Dav e Mann of
Mannpower Consulting and Chris Elliot of WRE Consulting, and
confirms the viability of the scheme. The recommended location and
technology consumes the maximum amount of water (21m
allowed by the EA to maintain flows over the rest of the weirs. With
three 3.5m diameter Archimedes Spirals located next to the lock-
eeper’s house, the peak output is estimated at 246kW (equivalent
to the average daily consumption of 250 homes), saving over 500
tonnes of CO
each year if conventional electricity losses in trans-
mission cables are taken into account. Total cost of the scheme is
estimated at £1.1M (US$1.6M).
The environment survey to examine the ecology of the river
and to identify any exotic species that could be compromised by
the sche me was be gu n in June 2008 funded by Streatley Parish
Counci l, GSS G (fro m voluntary fund raising activ ities) and
Goring Amenity As sociat ion. In parallel, gr ant appli cations were
made to Chilterns SDF, N orth Wessex Downs S DF and SODC to
complete the survey in summer 2009 and they have all once again
contribut ed to the scheme.
The flood risk anal ysis (FRA) is required as the spirals consti-
tute an o bstruction on the existing overfall weirs. Rob Alexander
of the EA kindly offered the resources of the EA for the initial FRA
computer modelling, complete d in the summer of 2008. This has
indicated a very slight increase in upstream and downstream river
levels when the river is in f ull spate. Further modelling is required
to u nderstand how this increase could be ab sorbed by bett er util-
isatio n of the ex isting Streatley s ide sluice gates, an additional
sluice gate and by the existing meadows and flood plains. Funding
sources are now bei ng researched and it is hope d that the com-
puter modelling can be completed to the satisfaction of t he EA by
end of 2009.
Planning applications will require fairly detailed drawings to be
submitted to both the EA and SODC. SODC planning was informed
of the scheme from the beginning, have received the outline design
study and have made no objections to the project on any grounds.
A land drainage consent licence and impoundment licence must be
obtained from the EA.
At the moment, several sources of funding are being evaluated for
the project itself. These include EU grants for which the group has
enlisted the services of James Elles, the European MP for the South
East of England, who visited the site in October 2008. GSSG is also
seeking philanthropic contributions from local wealthy individuals
and is considering a local share issue, such that all residents of both
communities may participate in the project. A noti fication of the
possibility of a share issue was publicised in the Goring Gap News
in November 2008, resulting in dozens of individuals accessing the
web site indicating how much they would be pre-
pared to invest.
Major fund raising is expected to take all of 2009 and the best
part of 2010. It is hoped to be able to order the Archimedes Spirals
in autumn 2010 – as there is a six-month lead time – for installation
in the summer of 2011 when river flows ought to be low.
Although the amount of electricity produced does not sound signif-
icant, the financial return of around £120,000 (US$179,000) per
annum will be sizeable and will grow in line with energy price infla-
tion (>12% per annum this century). This will be returned to the
communities of Goring and Streatley to fund other sustainable com-
Computer generated schematics of the three 3.5m Archimedes Spirals
GSSG would like to thank the following organisations for their generous
support of this community project:
SODC, Chilterns and North Wessex Downs Sustainable Development Funds
(part of the AONBs), the Environment Agency, Goring and Streatley Parish
Councils, Goring Amenity Association, Mann Power Ltd and WRE Ltd.