
Submit your tenders to us, here at IWP&DC, free of charge, for publication in a future issue.
Send approximately 200 words, with a contact name and contact details to: Progressive Media Markets Ltd, Progressive House, 2 Maidstone Road,
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Bids invited
1) National Hydroelectric Power
Corporation (NHPC) of India has
eleased a global invitation for the
identification of prospective con-
sultan ts to secure and help with
the sale of VERs for its hydro pro-
jects. Any consultants/firms iden-
tified should have experience of
regist ering at lea st one hydro -
electr ic project with the CDM
executive board.
The project will involve several
different hydro schemes at differ-
ent stages of execution, namely:
1) Chamera Stage-III, Himachal
Pradesh – 231MW.
ii) Parbati Stage-II, Himachal
Pradesh – 800MW.
iii) Parbati Sta ge-III, Himachal
Pradesh – 520MW.
iv) Sewa Stage-II, J&K – 120MW.
v) Teesta Low Dam-III, West
Bengal – 132MW.
vi) Teesta Low Dam-IV, West
Bengal – 160MW.
vii) Uri-II, J&K – 240MW.
Servic es to be provided by the
bidder would include: PDD devel-
opment; validation services; mon-
itorin g Support; verification
services; and VER selling support.
Bids close on the 9 April 2009.
For more information visit
CONTACT: The Chief Engineer,
Conts. (E&M) – II, NHPC
Limite d, 2nd Floor, Room
No.204, NHPC Office Complex,
Sector - 33, Faridabad-121003,
Haryana, India. Tel/ Fax: +91 129
2259929, 2278007. Email: cbs-
2) National Hydroelectric Power
Corporation (NHPC) has invited
bids from companies or consor-
tium for the turnkey execution of
the 3.75MW Durgaduani Mini
Tidal Pow er Project in West
Bengal, India.
Work on the project will include:
(i) Overall pla nning, design and
engineering of all civil structures
of the project such as dyke, inlet
sluice, power house and switch-
yard etc.
(ii) Execution of all civil works of
the project.
(iii) Design, manufacturing, trans-
portation, supp ly, erection, test-
ing and commi ssioning of 3 x
1.25MW bulb turbine generator
units, complete in all respects
long with associated auxiliaries
and anc illary equipment and
switchyard with all equipment etc.
(iv) Design, manufacturing, trans-
portation, supp ly, erection, test-
ing & commis sioning of
Hydromechanical works such as
vertical lift gates / stoplogs, hoists
and gantry cranes etc.
Based upon preli minary stage
design, the project envisages the
following main civil works com-
ponents, which may change based
upon the consortium/co mpany's
• A closure dyke at RD 330m
near Gosaba end with top EL (+)
• A closure dyke at RD 8200.00
m near Sonagaon end with top EL
(+) 8.5m .
• Four inlet sluices of 2.5m (w) x
4m (h) to allow the water into the
basin during high tide.
• 22.5m (l) x 24.52m (w) power-
house to accommodate three bulb
turbin es, a transformer (t hree
phase), switchyard and associat-
ed equipments located at closure
dyke at RD 330m.
• Strengt hening of side embank-
ments with top level at E L
Bids close 30 April 2009. For fur-
ther inform ation visit
CONTACT: The Chief Engineer,
(Contr acts-III), NHPC Office
Complex, Sector - 33, Faridabad-
121003, Haryana, India. Tel/Fax:
0129-2 256035. Email:
Expression of inter est
1) P akistan’s Water and Power
Develo pment Author ity
(WAPDA) invit es ex pres sions of
interest from eligible consultants
for work on the proposed Tarbela
4th hydro power project.
The objective of the project is to
install a hydro power Plant on 4th
tunnel of Tarb ela Dam. This
tunnel is approximately 36-45ft
(11-13 .7m) diameter and it is
about 3000ft (914.4m) long.
Studies show that a power plant
of about 1000MW can be
installed on this tunnel. Currently
he dam has power units on
Tunnels 1-3 with total generation
capacity of 3478MW.
The main objective of the pro-
posed consultancy services is to
support WAPDA in project prepa-
ration studies, preparation of
detail ed desi gn, bidding docu-
ments and PC-I, including engi-
neering, economic, environmental
and social studies and construc-
tion supervision of all works and
activities included under the pro-
The consulting services are thus
divide d into two phases:
Assign ment A (Duration 18
months ) cover s support for th e
prepar ation of detailed design,
bidding documents, PC-I and pro-
ject preparation studies including
investigation, technical and engi-
neering, econo mic, financing as
well as environmental and social
studies and advance procurement
activi ties and Assignment B
(Duration approx six years inclu-
sive of two years warranty period)
for construction supervision, con-
tract management and support for
project management and imple-
mentation of the environmental
and soci al management plan s.
The contr act for Assignment A
would be financed from the pro-
ceeds of a World Bank Credit. The
contract for Assignment B would
be financed by the World Bank
after its approval.
Deadline for expressions of inter-
est is 24 March 2009. For further
inform ation please visit
2) WAPDA invites expressions of
interest from consultin g f irms to
provid e detai led eng ineering
design and tender documents for
the Dasu hydro power project on
the Indus river.
The proje ct has been studied to
feasibility level and salient features
• Main dam height above bed
rock – 233m.
• Crest length – 536m.
Type of dam – RCC.
Gross storage capacity at E1.950
– 1.15maf.
Live storage capacity E1.900-950
– 0.67 maf.
pillway discharge capacity radial
– 28,636Mm
Discharg e capaci ty of low level
outlet s (7) – 676m
/sec at
Installed capacity – 4320MW.
Design discharge – 2600m
Averag e annual energy produc-
tion – 21,334GWh.
Deadline for expressions of inter-
est is 25 March 2009.
CONTACT: Ge neral M anager
(Hydro ) Pl anning, WAPDA
Sunny View Estate Kashmir Road
Lahore , Tel: 042 9202717,
920272 0-1/807, Fax: 042-
920272 2. Email:
Bids invited
Rehabilitation work is needed on
the crest gates at the US Army
Corps of Engineers’ (USACE)
Berlin Dam in Northeastern Ohio
on the Mahoning River. A t otal
of four ta inter type gates will be
renovated. The gates are welded
steel, 1 8ft (5.5m) high and 30 ft
(9. 1m) long, consisting of plate
and st ructural shapes. Work on
the ga tes includes removing the
gates from their normal position
on the crest of the dam, reinforc-
ing sections of the gate, removing
lead paint and repainting, replac-
ing rubber seals, lifting chains and
sprock ets; we ld test ing and
coupon tests on embedde d trun-
nion pins; supp lying new stop
logs; minor modifications to, and
painting of, the moveable hoist;
painti ng of ring jets; supplying
and erecting a pre-engineered
metal building on a concrete foun-
dation including electric service.
Welded joints are to be tested by
applicable non-destructive testing
(ultrasonic, magnetic particle, and
visual). Deadline for bids is 21
April 2009.
CONTACT: Donna Y Dooen.
Tel: +1 41 2 395 7468. Email: