U S T R A L I A ’ S F E D E R A L
Environment Minister Peter
Garrett has rejected the
Traveston Crossing Dam project in
South East Queensland, after decid-
ing the impacts on threatened spe-
cies would be too great.
In early November, the minister had
proposed to reject plans for the dam,
giving the dam proponent and relevant
federal ministers 10 days to com-
ment. After considering these sub-
missions, Garret has now concluded
that the dam cannot go ahead without
unacceptable impacts on matters of
national environmental significance.
“As I stated when I made my pro-
posed decision on this project...the
science is very clear about the adverse
impacts this project would have on
the nationally protected Australian
lungfish, Mary River turtle and Mary
River cod,” he said, pointing out that
independent expert advice, and advice
from his department, showed the dam
proposal would lead to serious and
irreversible consequences for these
species and most likely, would lead
to their further decline.
Garrett said dams could play a val-
uable role in terms of water supply,
when well located and carefully
“For the Traveston Dam proposal,
however, the species’ breeding and
their ability to maintain their population
numbers would be seriously affected
by the flooding of their habitat and by
the fragmentation of significant popu-
lations, and I was not satisfied that
adequate measures were proposed to
mitigate these impacts.
“While I acknowledge that the
proponent did a great deal of work
trying to devise measures to mitigate
the impact of the dam on threatened
species, and the Coordinator-General
proposed some 1,200 conditions of
approval, the reality is that the effec-
tiveness of the measures being pro-
posed was highly uncertain, a number
of these measures couldn’t be tested
until the dam was operational and the
impacts were already being felt.”
The dam had been proposed by
Queensland Water Infrastructure Pty
and had been scheduled for comple-
tion by 2016/2017, It would have
been located on the Mary River sup-
plying up to 70,000ML per year.
In early October, the first stage
of the dam had been approved by
Queensland’s Co-ordinator General,
dependent on a number of environ-
mental conditions. In a statement
released at that time, Queensland
Premier Anna Bligh said the dam was
the best and cheapest water supply
option, and would create 770 con-
struction jobs for the region
Australian minister says no
to Traveston dam proposal
IDB agrees loan for Bolivian project
Bank has approved $106M in
loans to help fund development
of the Misicuni hydroelectric scheme
and watershed environmental manage-
ment project in Bolivia.
The Misicuni project will increase
the supply of water for domestic use
and irrigation to the Cochabamba
Valley while generating electricity for
Bolivia’s National Interconnected
System. The Cochabamba region
has been increasingly suffering from
a scarcity of water both for human
consumption and for agriculture, and
Bolivia needs to expand its electricity
generation capacity to meet the grow-
ing demand.
A total of $101M in IDB loans will
be used to build the hydroelectric
component of the project, includ-
ing electric power transmission and
related works, which will contribute
up to 80MW of power to the national
grid. Construction of the dam on the
Misicuni River, which began in June
2009, is expected to cost $85M and
is being financed by the Government
of Italy, the Prefecture of Cochabamba,
Bolivia’s National Treasury, and the
Andean Development Corporation.
An additional $5M in IDB financing
will be used to finance the Watershed
Environmental Management Project.
This project will supplement and
strengthen measures to mitigate
the indirect impacts of the Misicuni
Project on the environment and popu-
lation in the main dam’s watershed.
Specifically, these funds will be
used to reduce susceptibility to ero-
sion, enhance water management,
and protect priority habitats in the
areas of the watershed most exposed
to such risks. They will also be used
to promote soil and water conser-
vation measures and sustainable,
income-generating alternatives to
subsistence farming within the com-
munities resettled due to construction
of the dam.
The IDB financed project will also
help the affected communities to
develop agricultural activities that will
compensate for productive losses
associated with the construction of
the main dam.
Waneta expansion to be restructured
Corporation (WEPC), a sub-
sidiary of Columbia Power
Corporation and Columbia Basin
Trust, will not be moving forward
with the proposed Waneta Expansion
project as it is currently configured,
but will instead be pursuing oppor-
tunities to restructure and enhance
the viability of the project, which is
located in the Canadian province of
British Columbia.
“We will be exploring other avenues
and identifying other potential partners
to improve the viability of the project.
We are hopeful that in the coming
months we can move this project to
a point where it can proceed,” said
Lee Doney, Board Chair of Columbia
Power Corporation.
The Waneta Expansion project
is a proposed second powerhouse
located adjacent to Teck Cominco’s
existing Waneta Dam on the Pend
d’Oreille River south of Trail. The
Province acquired expansion rights to
the Waneta Dam in 1994 from Teck
Cominco. The rights were transferred
to Columbia Power Corporation in
1995 and are now held by Waneta
Expansion Power Corporation.
“A considerable amount of work
has already been done and Columbia
Basin Trust is committed to explor-
ing alternatives with Columbia Power
Corporation to move this project for-
ward,” said Garry Merkel, Board Chair,
Columbia Basin Trust.
Columbia Power Corporation is
wholly owned and controlled by the
Province of BC. Columbia Power
Corporation and Columbia Basin Trust,
through subsidiaries, owns the Arrow
Lakes Generating Station, the Brilliant
Dam and the Brilliant Expansion.
Clean power
call advances
projects will proceed through the
next stage of BC Hydro’s Clean
Power Call, with proponents of a fur-
ther 34 projects given extra time to
improve their submissions.
The Canadian utility had received
68 proposals to its call for clean,
renewable and cost effective elec-
tricity, released in June 2008. Out of
those, 21 proposals were eliminated
either because proponents withdrew
their proposals; the proposals did not
meet the requirements of the request
for proposals, or they were considered
to have too high a level of risk.
Discussions aimed at securing
electricity purchase agreements will
now proceed with the proponents of
the 13 proposals that have been iden-
tified as the most cost-effective. In
addition, proponents of the remaining
34 proposals have been given time
to make their proposals more cost-
effective. Proposals remaining in the
Clean Power Call include hydro, wind
and waste heat.
BC Hydro intends to begin award-
ing contracts for the Clean Power
Call this month and plans to file the
agreements with the British Columbia
Utilities Commission early next year.
For a list of proposals please visit: