19-18. Design a force main and select a pump for the lift station at Waffle (Problem 19-15).
Assume that the invert of the pipe entering the lift station is at an elevation 114.08 m
and will have to deliver the wastewater to the WWTP 286 m from the lift station at
an invert elevation of 125.00 m. Use DIP for the force main.
19-1. Describe a fundamental difference between the design of force mains and water
distribution mains.
19-2. Draw a sketch to show a client the condition known as a “surcharged sewer” and give
two conditions that might cause it to occur.
19-3. Prepare an outline of the safety issues to be addressed in entering a s
19-4. Prepare a set of instructions outlining the safe procedure for removing and replacing
a manhole cover.
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