• Purchase PLC and computer control systems that can be expanded. Although current proj-
ects do not forecast appreciable growth in demand, increasing regulatory requirements,
business requirements for better asset management, and data for capital improvement pro-
grams will beco
me routine if they are not already routine.
• The life cycle of SCADA systems is about 7 to 10 years. Five years into the life of the sys-
tem an assessment of the behavior of the SCADA system is warranted to address downtime
frequency and duration, data holes, and failures that result from upgrades.
Nothing can be m ade 100 percent secure, but security enhancement and risk reduction are pos-
sible. The challenge for the water utility and the design engineer is to provide an appropriate level
of security by accounting for risk while balancing vulnerability, available capital, operating re-
sources, and operation and maintenance issues. While this chapter focu
ses on the water treatment
plant design, security issues for the utility are much broader and the tec hniques for addressing
security go far beyond the fixed facilities provided in a design.
Like the discussion of SCADA, this discussion is an overview. Some of the pertinent issues
will be highlighted, but many
details will be left for other texts such as Water Supply Systems
Security (Mays, 2004a). In a very broad sense, water supply security encompasses three areas:
critical infrastructure; preparedness, response, and recovery; and communication and informa-
tion. This discussion will, for the most part, be li
mited to critical infrastructure.
The Threats
The probability of a terrorist threat to drinking water is very low; however, the consequence
could be extremely severe for exposed populations (Mays, 2004b). The threats to a water supply
are summarized as:
• Cyber threats. These threats include disruption of the SCADA system.
• Physical threats. Destruction of elevated storage tanks
, water mains, pumping stations, and
chlorine storage facilities that either reduces water pressure and compromises fire fighting
capabilities or releases toxic chlorine gas.
• Chemical threats. The injection of a wide variety of toxic compounds (either chemical war-
fare agents or industrial chemical
s) that result in death or poisoning of large numbers of the
• Biological threats. N umerous pathogens common in developing countries but unseen in the
United States for decades could, in very small doses, start an epidemic in an unprotected
Vulnerability Assessment
Title IV of PL 107-188 (Public Health, Security, and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response
Act, “Bioterorism Act of 2002”) required community water systems serving populations greater